Chapter 15

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After a bit Lance yells "el desayuno está listo!(breakfast is ready!)" Keith still plays his phone as kids run downstairs and into the kitchen then Keith hears Luis say "YES! YOU MADE BREAKFAST THIS WILL BE GOOD!!" "Ma is a good cook" Says Lance, "Yeah but you usually make like candy stuff" Lance chuckles then goes into the living room and says "You hungry?" "No" Lance stares blankly at Keith then says "You don't want breakfast?" "Nope" "Why?" "Cause you wouldn't let me cook!" Lance face palms then says "Yeah, ok just sit in here and starve then" Keith says "You don't mean it do you?" As Lance walks back into the kitchen he says "Oh yes I do" Keith gets ready to get up when his phone dings
Shiro:Keith we all have to go back to the Castle today
Keith:But! Why?!
Shiro:One word...Lotor
Keith:Ugh I am not ready to deal with him!
Shiro:Are any of us??
Keith:Not really
Shiro:Just get Lance we have to leave NOW
Keith gets up and goes to Lance who is talking with his sister and Ma "Babe-" Veronica says "Oh hey cutie" Keith ignores her and says "We got to go back to the castle now" "Why?" Keith grabs Lance's hand and takes him outside, "Lotor" "Ugh, This dude picks the most unpleasant times to attack!" Keith nods Lance says "How are we gonna do this" "What do you mean?" "If we go we aren't gonna have a wedding" Keith groans and leans on Lance who says "We can just get married when we come back" "That could be 2 months!!" "Babe calm down, We can wait" Keith gets off of Lance and starts walking Lance chases him once their walking the same pace Lance says "Babe" Keith ignores him until Lance grabs his hand and says "KEITH!" "WHAT?!?!"

Lance sighs and says "We still got to go" "I'm not" "Keith!" Keith pulls his arm away and says "You can but I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "I can quit whenever I want!" "YOUR ACTING LIKE A CHILD!!" Keith turns away from Lance and says "IF I'M A CHILD THEN I CANT GET MARRIED TO YOU HAVE A NICE LIFE!" Keith throws the ring at Lance and walks away Lance yells "WAIT KEITH PLEASE STOP!" He falls to the ground crying as Keith walks away.
Shiro:Lance where are yall?!?!
Lance:Im coming I guess...
Shiro:What's wrong??
Lance:Keith he broke up with me...
Lance:Yeah...But it's fine that means I'll focus on Voltron more...
Shiro:No No No ok where is Keith?!
Lance:We were at the park...
Shiro:Never mind he just got home I'll fix this
Shiro:Also yall don't gotta go Allura said she can handle it
Lance:Thx bye...
Adam says "KEITH!" "What?" "YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT BREAK HIS FUCKING HEART!" Keith looks away from Shiro and says "I know I did I don't know what happened...I was mad and just took it out on him, I-I ruined are relationship..." "DAMN RIGHT YOU DID YOU FUCKING DUMBASS WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!?" Adam says "Takashi-" "ADAM SHUSH, KEITH DO YOU KNOW HO LUCKY YOU WERE TO GET LANCE?!" "Yes..." "SO YOUR JUST GONNA BREAK HIS HEART LIKE THAT!" Keith tears up as Shiro shakes his head and says "Your terrible" Keith runs to his room and locks the door he goes under his blankets and curls up into a ball while crying.
(A couple weeks later, Their all back at the castle,They had just finished a mission)
Keith was sitting in a chair while crying "This is my fault!" No one said anything they didn't wanna be rude but it was Keith's fault he wouldn't say sorry to Lance and then Lance tried to say sorry and got shot in the heart, He was in a pod being healed but Keith only thought about how he got the person he loved nearly killed.

Keith says "I should just turn myself in!" Shiro says "What!" "They want me what's the point in staying when all that happens his yall getting hurt!!" Pidge rubs Keith's back and says "Keith-" Keith stands up and says "I'm going" Shiro stands up as well and says "No your not that's an order!" Keith walks out and Pidge, and Hunk chase him yelling things like "Don't do it!" And "You don't know what your doing" Then Pidge yells "WHAT WOULD LANCE THINK?!" Keith stops and stares at his feet as tears fall down he says "Lance doesn't have to..." "I know yall broke up but don't you think he wants you back?" "Why would he..." Pidge sighs and says "You shouldn't let one little fight do this to yall" "THAT FIGHT LED TO ME THROWING HIS RING AT HIM AND BREAKING UP WITH HIM I RUINED WHAT WE HAD!" Keith runs to red and then him and red are gone leaving Hunk and Pidge standing there not believing they just lost their best friend.

"So your turning yourself in" Keith nods "Wow if it was that easy I would've hurted the blue paladin longer ago!" Keith says "You wont hurt Lance any more right?" "Yeah, Yeah, Take him to a cell don't hurt him and make sure he is in good shape we wouldn't want the guy to get a damaged Item" "What do you mean Item?!" "Oh yeah were selling you!"

Hey guys yall might hate me because of this well I right a story at school and its kinda gonna be like that I know it's kind of depressing even tho it's almost Christmas I'm sorry for that but I just wanted some drama, Also spoiler I will make Keith and Lance get married don't worry! But that's all Cheers Love's

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