Chapter 11| Marry Christmas!(Final part of Marry Christmas)

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Sorry I know I said Chapter 10 was the final part but it didn't make sense to stop calling it marry Christmas if its still Christmas I hope that makes sense :P

Lance says "I know its kind of sudden but I really love Keith" Shiro stands up and gets ready to say something when Adam says "I'm happy for yall!" Shiro says "I am to but yall can't get married" Keith says "Ugh, This isn't fair you married Adam!!" "But I wasn't in Voltron at the time!!" "Well what if we stay on earth?!?!" "YOU WANNA QUIT JUST TO GET MARRIED?!" "I LOVE HIM OF COURSE I DO!" Shiro takes a breath then says "Go to your room" "What no your not my dad!" Shiro gets ready to slap Keith but Adam grabs his hand and says "Just go please Keith" Keith grabs Lance's hand and runs upstairs and to his room.

When they get in his room Keith sits on his bed holding his head, And he says "I'm s-so sorry, I thought he would be happy for us..." Lance smiles and hugs Keith then says "Don't worry babe if I have to I'll quit Voltron" Keith nods and says "I'll quit to..." Lance sits down and sighs then says "I'm sorry for purposing I guess it was to early" "Don't be I'm happy you purposed if it wasn't for Shiro being an asshole we could get married" Lance rests his head on Keith's shoulder.

Then they here a knock and Keith says "Who is it?" "Adam" "Come in" Adam walks in and says "I'm sorry about Takashi" Keith sighs and says "Whatever" "I can try to convince him" Lance says "You think you can?!" Adam nods and Lance says "Ok!" Adam walks out shutting the door behind him.

After a while Adam and Shiro come to Keith's room and Shiro says "Keith" "..." Shiro sighs then says "I'm sorry its just what if you died?? Lance would be heartbroken and would probably get depressed then his depression would take him over and he would be no good to us" Keith still stays quite and Lance says "That won't happen the pods can heal us, There has to be another reason" Shiro sighs and says "Well, Keith isn't good with people nor relationships so I just don't want him to hurt you." Keith says "I would never hurt him" "Ok then I guess...You have my blessing" Keith gets up and says "Even if you said no I still would have done it" Shiro sighs then Keith grabs Lance's hand and walks out.

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