Chapter 30

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Sorry I'm not gonna write the smut cause I don't feel well today but I just wanted to get something out enjoy!

Keith and Lance lay there cuddling and panting "That felt amazing..." Lance laughs then says "We should probably start packing are bags" "Ugh, I'm to lazy!" Lance stands up and starts getting in his pajama's then grabs Keith's red bag and throws it on him "Oof!" Lance grabs his blue bag and starts packing Keith groans but gets up and gets into his pajama's as well and also packs.
(The Next Day)
Lance coughs and wakes up yelling "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jack falls off the bed laughing and Amber starts giggling then Keith groans and mumbles "Go back to sleep..." Lance sighs then says "What do yall need?" "Are we leaving for Disney Land yet?" Keith shakes his head sleepily Lance laughs then gets up and says "Go get ready, When me and Keith finish getting dressed we'll make breakfast and then leave" "Lance~!" Lance rolls his eyes then the kids says "Oooo! Daddy's gonna beat you up" Then run out laughing and giggling "I love them" Keith mumbles "They take after you a lot" Lance looks at Keith and says "What does that mean?!" Keith laughs then says "Can you lay back down?" "Sure, But-" Keith immediately wraps his arms around Lance and cuddles with him "Babe, We need to get ready" "Mmm, 1 year..." Lance's eyes widen "Babe! Come on" Lance picks Keith up and walks to the kitchen where the kids are seated at the table waiting patiently Lance sets Keith in a chair and then Amber says "I don't think Daddy is ready to leave" Lance chuckles then says "He's never been a mornings person" Jack says "He's short like Amber, I bet I'll be taller then daddy!" Keith stands up "OH HELL NAH, I AINT GONNA BE A SHORTIE!" Lance says "Babe you already are" Keith sinks back into his seat "Your right I cant change it Amber eat as many vegetables as you can your still young take that chance don't be like me!" Lance starts cooking then Keith says "I swear to god Lance what are you making?" "Something that involves the fridge, Duh" "I think we want something-" Lance pulls out a plate of green goo "OH HELL NAH!" Keith gets up and runs out then comes back gets on the table and pushes a cross in Lance's face "BE GONE DEMON!" "Babe, We haven't had it in so long!" "Coran made it I don't want that horrible shit!" "Why are you cussing so much" "I don't know?"
(Hours Later)
"Dadddd, Are we there yet?" "No" "How about-" "NO!" Lance takes a deep breath then says "Babe please entertain-" "Oki!" Keith takes out his phone plugs it into the cord and then Teenagers by My Chemical Romance blares "Oh great now I gotta deal with his emo ass!" Keith rolls his eyes.
(At Disney Land)
Amber squeals in excitement and places her bag on her and Jacks bed then they hear Lance gasps Keith goes into the bathroom and says "What yall don't have your face-" "HE'S GROWING A FUCKING MULLET" Keith deadpans then says "Babe, It's not the end of the world-" "Look at this Keith" Lance tries to put Jack's hair in a ponytail but it falls out his hands "Your seeing things" Lance grabs scissors then Keith walks out "What's wrong with them? " "Nothing" "Ok well Ima go join them" Then Amber goes to the bathroom Keith yawns and lays down eventually falling asleep.

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