Chapter 19

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Smut Warning (Also I think you may wanna be 18+ to read actually I shoulda said that the first chapter .-. Fuck it,also just so you know I wrote this when I was really tired so it might suck)

Keith stood in front of Lance blushing like crazy Lance had made him wear a maid outfit for some crazy reason "C-Can I please change out of this?" Lance sighs and says "Fine but let me get a picture" Lance took out his phone and took a photo of Keith then puts his phone away and says "You can get dressed" Keith started taking  off his cloths then Lance said "That's perfect stop there!" Keith blushes as he was only in his boxers yes they were about to fuck but he had just got out of a really embarrassing outfit, Lance wraps his arms around Keith's waist and pulls him onto his lap and kisses his cheek, Then Lance turns Keith around in his lap and they make out for a while.

After a while of just making out Lance pulls away and lays Keith down on the bed and starts taking off his own clothes, He takes off Keith's boxers and says "Ok do you want prep?" Keith shakes his head, Lance grabs a jar off his dresser and opens it he puts some of the lube around Keith's hole and on his member then he puts it down and thrust into Keith, A huge moan escapes Keith's mouth then Lance's Ma yells "LANCE THERE ARE CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE!!!!" "TAKE THEM SOMEWHERE OR SOMETHING!!" "MIJO SI NO SE DETIENE ENTONCES VOY A SUBIR ALLÍ CON LA CHANCLA(mijo if you don't stop I'll come up there with the flip flop)" "MAMÁ DÉJAME Y KEITH JODER EN PAZ!(MUM LET ME AND KEITH FUCK IN PEACE)" "THATS IT IM COMING UP THERE!!" Lance pulls out of Keith and hurries to get dressed Keith does to but he pouts the whole time then Lance's Ma comes in and says "Now Keith, Lance I love yall dearly but I cannot have you rotting the brains of these poor children"

Keith mumbles "It was just a quick fuck session but whatever" Lance elbows Keith and then says "Ma me and Keith are adults you cant expect us to not do 'it' especially since I'm married to this cute thing!" "I don't want yall to be doing 'that' while me or the kids are here or your father!" "Ma! That means never" Keith says "Adam and Shiro are always fucking they wont mind if we go there" Lance says "Wait no one is in the palace so we could ask if we could stay there alone for a few days or a week" Keith gets confused and says "Why a week or days?" Lance smirks "Cause when I'm done fucking you, you wont be walking for a week" Keith starts blushing.

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