Chapter 28

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I'm sorry I'm making it where the kids are 13 and they now live in a house so yeah...I might make a sequel to this if I ever wanna end it but yeah enjoy loves! Also if the kids say daddy their talking about Keith if they say dad their talking about Lance.

Lance groans and sits up to see Jack standing there with his bookbag "Dad it's time for school were gonna be late if you don't drive us" Lance checks his phone and says "Shit! I'm late, I cant take yall today I'm so sorry just stay home" Then Amber says "But daddy doesn't like when we stay home from school" Lance gets up and says "You take after him to much, Just tell him I said yall can stay-" "Mmm, Their not staying home babe" "I cant take them and the bus is already gone" Keith sits up and says "You said your already late just text your boss and take them, Wait yall haven't ate" Lance groans and starts getting dressed, Then Amber says "Don't worry daddy we'll walk to school" Jack scoffs and says "I cant I'll get sweaty and I have to look good for the ladys~" Keith laughs then says "You don't need to look good for anyone, Right babe?" Lance coughs covering up his laugh then says "Yeah, You have your sister" "So she isn't a girlfriend and she can get annoying sometimes" Amber says "You can to!" "Not as much as you, Daddy always pays attention to you!" "Dad, Always pays attention to yo-!" Keith says "Enough! We pay attention to both of yall so stop fighting and go to the kitchen I'm coming" "Babe let them be stay home for once" Keith rolls his eyes and says "I don't know about you but I want are kids to have good grades" Lance kisses Keith and says "I'll bring you some of Hunk's cookies" Keith groans then says "Fine" Jack says "No! That means I cant see any ladies!" Keith says "Your to young to be thinking about girlfriends your like Lance" "Hey! What does that mean?!" "It means you were the hugest flirt and you know it!" Amber says "Please don't fight" Jack says "I'm going to text my friend" Keith says "Is it a girl?" "N-No" Lance sighs and says "Babe chill it's not like he is gonna get a girlfriend" "They are way more work then they were as babies" Lance kisses Amber and Jack on the forehead then says "Love yall!" Then he leaves.

"STOP JACK!" "NO!" "BUT IT'S MINE!" "NOT ANYMORE!" Keith sighs and goes into the kids room then Jack says "I CANT SHARE A ROOM WITH HER!" Keith pinches the bridge of his nose and says "Clean this room up right now! And stop fighting yall have been fighting all week and its pissing me off!!" Jack says "I'm sorry..." Amber says "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU ASSHOLE!" "AMBER!" Keith grabs Amber's hand and says "Do not say that!" "You always say that to dad!" Keith slaps her hand and says "I don't care! You are 13 years old!" "I'm sorry..." Keith lets go and says "If this room isn't clean by the time your other dad gets home yall are punished!" Jack stomps his foot and says "I hate you!" "...If you really hate me then you don't need this phone" "What! UNFAIR!" "Life isn't fair! When your father gets home me and him will discuss when you get your phone back!" Keith takes Jack and Amber's phone "Why are you taking mine?!" "For cussing! NOW CLEAN THIS ROOM!" Keith slams the door shut and goes to the kitchen then puts their phones in a cabinet, Then he gets a phone call "Hello?" "Hey babe, I'm coming home early" "Ok" "Love you" "Love you to" Then Lance hangs up, Keith puts his phone down and starts making lunch, "STOP IM NOT THROWING IT AWAY!" "WELL I DONT WANT IT IN OUR ROOM ITS HIDEOUS!" "DADDY BOUGHT ME IT!" Then Jack comes in and says "Daddy where is the trash bags?" Then Amber pushes him Keith snaps and yells "THATS IT! JACK LEAVE AMBERS SHIT ALONE AND AMBER STOP PUSHING YOUR BROTHER YALL ARE GETTING ON MY FUCKING NERVES WITH THIS FIGHTING IF IT DOESNT STOP YALL WONT BE GETTING YOUR PHONES AGAIN!!" Amber and Jack go quiet and they mumble in unison "Sorry daddy..." Keith grabs the plush Jack was holding and gives it to Amber.

Then the door opens up and Lance walks in he notices the kids look sad and says "What's wrong?" Jack says "Daddy yelled at us!!" Then he runs over to Lance Amber stays where she is then Lance says "Why?" "Lance they haven't stopped fighting this whole week and I'm getting tired of it, I already took both of their phones" Lance walks over to the cabinet with their phones and grabs them then gives them back "You shouldn't be so hard on them-" "Lance they are 13 years old they are old enough to now when they have to stop!" "Exactly their 13, Their only children" "So they should know where to draw the fucking line!" "Babe calm down" Keith sighs and grabs his phone then says "I'm going for a walk" Lance grabs Keith's hand and says "Babe-" "I'll be back in a bit" "You have to learn to control your anger" Keith groans then says "Fine" Lance lets go and Keith sits on the couch then Amber walks over to Keith and hugs him "Were sorry daddy" Keith says "Have yall finished cleaning your room?" Jack says "Dad could you help?" "Your not getting him to do all the work" Lance says "Babe it's ok" "No, Lance your to easy on them! Yall are gonna go clean-" "Babe!" "Lance they have to learn to do things on their own!" "They are only children!" "That doesn't mean they shouldn't learn!" "They will-!" "NOT WITH YOU BABYING THEM!" "BABE WE DONT HAVE TO TEACH THEM YET!" "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA TEACH THEM WHEN THEIR FUCKING TWENTY?!" "BABE YOUR BEING RIDICULOUS" "I'M BEING RIDICULOUS?! YOUR A DUMBASS IF YOU THINK WE SHOULD STILL BABY THEM!" Lance gets ready to say something when Amber says "Please stop fighting, We'll clean..." Keith sighs and says "Thank you and if I hear you two fighting one more time yall will be grounded" And with that Jack and Amber go to their room "Baby, I just don't think you should yell at them so much" "Lance, All they have been doing is yelling!" Lance hugs Keith and says "I get it but I just want them to feel free" "Ugh, They are not skipping school again!" "Hey, I don't have work for the rest of the week, We can go on a date tomorrow while the kids are at school" Keith nods then kisses Lance, Lance picks up Keith and he wraps his legs around Lance's waist and they make out "Eww!" Lance breaks their kiss and puts Keith down "Hey kids, Yall finished?" "Yeah!" Lance says "Thanks guys, Oh I'm not going to work all week" Jack says "Do you have work on Saturday or sunday?" "No?" Jack and Amber gasp then say in unison "Can we go to Disney land?!" Keith gasps and gets ready to say something but Lance says "Sorry guys but we cant" "Please dad!!" Lance sighs then shakes his head.

Keith smirks then whispers in Lance's ear "Come on, Please daddy?" Lance blushes then says "PACK YOUR BAGS KIDS WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY LAND!" The kids start yelling and go to their room Keith kisses Lance then says "Can we go to the room?" Lance nods and picks up Keith and says "We are going Friday, Right?" "Yeah" Lance goes into their room and closes the door then says "You aiming for another child?" "Maybe not a child, But if you want I'm ok with that~" "Baby we cant even handle these kids" "Fine then just fuck me" "My pleasure" Lance smirks "Daddy" Keith groans then says "Yes?" "Well...M-Me and Jack want to know if we can go today...?" Lance looks at Keith with a raised eyebrow, Keith clears his throat then says "Well me and your dad are kinda busy right now..." Lance tries not to laugh and Keith slaps him on the back, Then they hear Jack say "I love you" Keith gasps then glares at Lance "Heh...So baby" "Go fix this now!" Lance gets up and him and Keith walk into the living room to see Jack and a girl "Jack who is she?" Jack coughs and says "D-Dad..." Lance sighs and says "Who is she?" "I'm Nyma my mother is Allura and my father is Lotor" Keith mumbles "I don't want her near him..." "Baby, Their fine" "Her father is Lotor!" Jack says "So? Your mum is Galra" Nyma gets up and says "I-I should go" "And matter of fact your also Galra! At least she is human!!" Nyma leaves then Lance says "Jack that was to far! Go to your room!" Jack says "Dad!!" "No, Go to your room!" Jack stomps to his room and slams the door shut, Lance sighs then says "Babe I'm sorry I didn't think he would get a girlfriend" "ME AND AMBER ARE LUCKY WE DIDNT TURN OUT LIKE YOU!" Keith tears up then Lance hugs him "Babe, What should I do he hates me..." "Your his father he cant" Then Jack yells "YOUR SO RUDE I CANT BELIEVE DAD LOVES YOU!"

Lance yells "JACK GET IN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Jack comes then says "What?!" "You are NOT gonna raise your voice to me! And you will not speak like that about Keith!" "Its not my fault you married a freak!! I WISH I WASNT BORN!" Keith says "Where is Amber...?" Jack says "I saw her go into-" Jack runs to the bathroom then yells "DAD!!" Lance and Keith go in and see Amber on the floor with her wrist bleeding Lance grabs Keith's arms "Babe-?" "Really!" Lance drops Keith's arm and says "I thought you stopped! Now are fucking daughter is doing it!!" "I-I'm sorry I didn't know she would find them" "BABE YOU TOLD ME YOU STOPPED!" "I-I know but I've been so stressed and Shiro has been sad after Adam went away to study-" "THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOULD DO IT!" "D-Dad we need to h-help Amber!" "We will" Lance picks up Amber "Babe I'm really sorry..." Lance ignores him and walks to his car with Jack.

Klance| It started with a dareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang