Chapter 8| Shopping Spree!

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Keith woke up the next day to Adam yelling "TAKASHI,ITS GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!" "BABE I GOT THI- AHHHHH HELP!!!!" Keith runs downstairs and yells "WHATS GOING ON- oh" there was a little fire in the pot Keith pours a cup of water in the pot and Adam says "Thanks Keith your a life savor" "no I'm not I just did the reasonable thing" Shiro says "Your so smart" Keith rolls his eyes and says "Honestly I just think yall are dumb" "don't say that!" Adam says "Now what? are breakfast is burnt..." Keith says "I'm going to see Lance have fun burning the house down 'Dads' bye" Keith runs upstairs and gets dressed then grabs his phone.

Blue Boy Lance
Keith:Hey babe
Lance:Who is this?
Keith:very funny Lance
Lance:This is Lance's mother
Lance:Why did you call by son "babe"?
Keith:oh he didn't tell you?
Lance:tell me what?
Keith:I'm Keith Lance's Boyfriend
Lance:Oh! your the Keith,Lance wont shut up about!
Keith:Can I talk to Lance?
Lance:He went shopping for Christmas gifts
Keith:What shop?
Lance:The mall,Have fun!
Keith:Thanks ma'am bye
Keith puts his phone in his pocket then goes to the mall,When he gets there he realizes he doesn't know what shop Lance is in,Then he sees a shop with face masks and goes to it when he goes in he immediately sees his boyfriend shopping he walks over to him and goes behind him then wraps his arms around Lances waist and lays his head on his shoulder Lance gets startled and says "Who is that?" Keith kisses Lance's cheek and says "Take a guess" Lance laughs then turns around and moves Keith's arms and says "what are you doing here? and how did you know I was here" "well I texted you to see if we could hang out but your mum answered and said you came here I saw this store and knew you had to be here" Lance says "Is that suppose to be a compliment?" "depends on how you take it I guess" "ok,well are you gonna help me shop for Christmas gifts?" "sure I need to get some anyways" Lance pays for the stuff he was getting then they go to some more stores.

The Last store they go to they have to wait so Keith takes this as an opportunity to get Lance's present he says "Lets meet at the entrance of the mall I gotta go get something" Lance Kisses Keith's cheek then Keith runs to the jewelry store he goes to the counter and says "I preordered a ruby ring" "oh,are you Keith?" "yes" The lady grabs a box and gives it to Keith "thank you" "No problem have a nice day and I wish you the best of luck!" even though Keith wasn't proposing to Lance he was still happy that the lady was nice he put it in his pocket and paid then walked to the entrance of the mall to see Lance waiting he runs up to Lance and they walk to Lance's house,When they get there they put the bags down and Lance's mum says in her Spanish accent "Thank you for doing the shopping hun" "No problem ma" "también tienes gusto tu novio es muy guapo (also you got taste your boyfriend is very handsome)" Lance blushes and says "Gracias Mamá pero él no es muy confiado en ser lindo (Thank you mum but he isnt very confident about being cute)" Lance's mother gasps then says "Keith you are a very handsome boy don't think otherwise but I'm sure Lance tells you that enough!" Keith smiles and says "Thank you" "no need to thank me,but I should continue dinner will you be stopping by tomorrow for Christmas eve?" Keith says "Maybe,If Adam and Shiro don't make me stay to watch them make out" "please try if not on Christmas Lance got you a gift" "ok I'll get going now have a nice day" "you to" then the lady goes back to the kitchen Lance says "bye I love you" Keith kisses Lance then Lance's little brother Luis comes in and says "OOOOO LANCE IS KISSING A BOY!!!" Lance pulls away blushing and says "Luis! He is my boyfriend!" Keith blushes and says "Bye Lance I love you" "yeah merry Christmas" Then Keith leaves and Luis says "HERMANO'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!!" Lance covers Luis' mouth and says "Will you shush!"

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