Chapter 22

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Keith and Lance get dressed and Lance says "See wasn't it better to shower?" "I mean yeah if I knew that was gonna happen I wouldn't have needed convincing!" Lance rolls his eyes then kisses Keith's cheek and says "What do you wanna do today?" Keith leans on Lance and says "I wish we stayed on earth there would be way more things to do..." "Babe, Are you home sick?" "No! I just...I like the food on earth!" "There's nothing to hide it's fine to be home sick we can go back to earth" "but you wanted to be alone..." Lance kisses Keith then says "As long as I'm with you I'll be fine" Keith shakes his head "We don't gotta go back" "Ok if you change your mind just tell me" Keith smiles and says "I love you" "I love you to baby!" "What are we gonna eat for breakfast- WAIT I will cook for us!" "Bab-!" Keith puts a finger to Lance's mouth and whispers seductively "I cant burn anything down~" "You do know we don't have cereal" "Ok Lance but! There is me I'm hungry there is a bed! And you have a dick" Lance blushes and says "We just bathed!" "So? You didn't have a problem fucking me then" "Omg, Baby please stop talking about that I was just helping you so you weren't hard all day" "Mhm totally lets go get another shower" "Babe that wont do anything" "Fine get me hard!" Lance burst into laughter then they hear footsteps getting close.

Before anyone knows it POOF Keith is a baby "Muahahah" Lance turns "Pidge! My husband!!" "Yeah whatever I just wanted to do this before I left" "I thought you left yesterday" "I did but I forgot my...Contacts" "Ok well change Keith back" Keith giggles then yells "Ance! Ance!" Lance groans "Pidge I cant deal with him all week!" "Don't worry it's only for two days" Lance sighs then pidge runs away, "Ance! Ance!" Lance picks up Keith then says "Hey Keithy" Keith pulls Lance's hair "Ow Ow Ow!! Bad!!!" Keith's bottom lip quivers and he tears up Lance groans "I forgot how sensitive babys are" "WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Lance holds Keith to his chest and says "Shhhhh" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "Don't cry" Keith sniffles and says "I wuv you Ance" Lance kisses Keith's cheek then says "Don't be sad your tough!" Keith giggles "I'm twougher den you Ance!" Lance laughs then puts Keith down on his bed "I'll be back sit here" Keith nods then Lance leaves.

"KEITH PUT THAT DOWN!" Keith aims the gun at Lance and says "Put yow hands up!" "No Keith put it down!" "Nu!" Lance walks closer to Keith he had grabbed his gun and it wasn't funny "Keith that's dangerous!" "I'M TWOUGHER DEN YOU ANCE!!" "I know you are so please give it back" Keith gets ready to pull the trigger and Lance yells "NO BAD KEITH! BAD!!" Keith starts crying and accidentally shoots it hits Lance in his side and he bites his bottom lip and holds his side then says "Keith please be a good boy and put it down" Keith sniffles and nods then puts down the gun and says "Daddy why are you wed?" "Keith can you grab that?" Lance pointed at his phone on the bed Keith crawl over and picks it up then hands it to Lance.
Lance:Can some one come and with a medical kit?
Lance:Pidge he shot me
Pidge:...But he loves you why would he
Lance:He's only a baby thanks to you he doesn't know what it does
Pidge:I'll come
Lance starts coughing and Keith says "Awe yow owkay Daddy?" Lance smiles and nods "Please never pick up my gun again" Keith tears up "I'm sowwy daddy I didn't mean to do dat!" "It's ok don't cry" Surprisingly Pidge got there quick and throws something at Keith and he turns normal "Ugh what happened?" Pidge rushes to Lance's side and says "I'm sorry I thought it was a good idea!" Lance says "Don't worry at least we know we cant have any kids in the palace" Keith yells "BABE WHAT HAPPENED?!" Pidge says "I turned you into a baby and you shot him" "I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!" Lance kisses Keith's cheek then says "It's nothing pidge cant handl-OW!!!" "Sorry I got the bullet out" Pidge wraps some bandages around Lance then gets up and leaves Keith hugs Lance and says "I'm so sorry" "Hey like I said this just show we cant have kids around" Keith pulls back from the hugs and says "Heh that's kinda a problem"
"Why?" "I'm pregnant" "WHAT?!" Keith burst into laughter "Omg Keith you cant even get pregnant why would you say that!" Keith says "You bought it and your reaction was priceless!" "Well since your part Galra you could've been able to!" Keith falls to the floor still laughing.

"Babe stop laughing already!!" Keith tries to stop but cant so Lance walks out of the room saying "Don't stop I'm just gonna go out" "NO BABEH DONT LEAVE ME!" Keith jumps up and runs after Lance.

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