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I finish packing and run to the designated area. The others are already there and Edward takes my bag without asking and carries it, besides his bag.

" Edward, I can carry it."

" No, it would stop making me a gentlemen. I will carry it."

" What about the others then? Won't you carry your sister's and Jacob's bag?"

" No, Bells. I'll carry mine and my girl's bag. Like your boyfriend, I will be a gentleman."

" Since when are you a gentlemen, Jake?"

" Since I met her."

I smile and grab a bag he has. He tries to grab it, but I spread wings and fly up.

" Bells, you are being rude now."

" I know, but let's see how much of a gentleman you are."
" Bells, you are annoying right now."

I nod and stay still, as I wait for him to give up.

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