Surprise Company

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We are arguing, when someone else comes to the area. Kinsley smiles, when she sees Edward and runs to him. I make a barrier in front of him and she bumps into it. She gets back up, glares at the barrier and attacks it with fire. I take it away quickly and the fire almost hits Edward. Luckily, he dodges and he builds a wall around him.

" Are you crazy, Kinsley? Why did you attack me?"

" I didn't mean it. Who built the barrier anyways?"

I get in front of him and get ready to attack.

" I did."

" You . . . really. . . are a. . . strong rival."

" I know."
" He isn't yours."

" I'm wondering what you're doing here, that's all. Also, I don't think he wants you to kiss him."

" I'm sure he wants you to keep me away from him too."

" Ask him later. Now, what are you doing here?"

" Edward said I am to come with you guys."

" Edward, is this true?"

I look at him and he looks down. Jake and his sister tense and glare at Kinsley, who gets ready to defend herself.

" Um, well, I did say that."

" Great. What is the reason,if I may ask?"

" Someone told me to bring her with us. Let's just say that she will be helpful. Right, Kinsley?"

" Yes, I will. Now, let's go. The portal's opening."

I try to calm down and walk through the portal with the others. Although I hate Kinsley, I hope she really will be of great help. If not, I will destroy her myself.

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