Chapter 29

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They weren't kidding when they say time flies by fast when you are having fun.

I look at my watch and notice that it's a quarter to seven. "Wow, what a day." He plops down onto the floor next to his mother. Mrs. Lawson gives him a disapproving look. "Austin, you shouldn't sit on the floor. It's dirty and are you going to expect Paradice to sit on the floor too?" She raises her eyebrow as she eyes her son.

He shrugs and then pats his lap. "She could sit on my lap."

I instantly turn into a shade of red as the memory of us in the cinema pops up into my mind.


"C'mon, honey." He whines. I take the popcorn from the counter and hold it with one hand as I take a handful of popcorn and shove into my mouth with my other hand. I nudge my head towards the drink, signalling him to take it.

He rolls his eyes but took the drinks nevertheless. "I'm so thirsty." He mutters to himself and then pokes the straw through the cup cover. He takes a sip from the cup and then sighs in relief. "Let's sit on the steps and wait for the hall to open." He suggests. I nod and we both walk towards the stairs.

Everyone is looking at us like we had three heads when we sit down but it didn't really matter. I lay my head on Austin's shoulder and smile. "I'm glad I went out with you today." I confess. He lets out a chuckle and then wraps his arm around me. "It's not like you have a choice anyway but I'm pleased too." He says cockily.

I hit his arm playfully. "What do you mean 'it's not like I have a choice'? We are living in a free world so excusez-moi for having the right to decide." I snap my fingers for effect. He just laughs it off. "No; I mean by of course you would choose to go out with me because you love me. So technically, you didn't have a choice." He explains.

"You are a weirdo, you know that?" I cross my arms as I see a man walking towards the ticket booth, the place where your big ticket becomes a small ticket. "And yet," Austin stands up and takes our drinks from the floor, me following suit while carrying our popcorn. "You still love me."

I didn't know what came over me but I lean up to give him a small peck on his cheek - someone's cheek, for all that matter - for the first time in my whole fucking life.

He was stunned by my movement too but his lips still curves into a wide grin. "What the hell was that?" He wheezes in a good way. I shrug as I reach into my bag to find our ticket. "I just thought that I should show you my love towards you."

When I thought it wasn't possible, his grin got even wider. "This is somewhat the first time you have been so lovey-dovey to me openly." He claims. My eyes widen as I huff in disbelief. "No, it's not." I take the ticket back from the man as we both walk into Hall 1.

As I try to open the door with one hand, Austin beats me to it. "Here." He says as he opens the heavy door for me. "Thanks, baby." I emphasises the word and got into the hall. I could practically feel Austin smiling behind me. "What's our seat number?" He asks and I hand him one of the popcorn so I could take the ticket from my bag.

"Um... E8 and E9." I state. Even though his hands are full of human necessities, he still holds out his hand, signalling me to go first. "Ladies first." He smirks. I roll my eyes but still smile at his kind gesture and then take the popcorn from his hand.

I walk through the people, occasionally saying 'sorry' to the people whom I accidentally hit in the legs. "Be careful, darling." I raise an eyebrow at his voice and turn around to look at him. "Darling? I thought my nickname was 'honey'." I utter as I stop when I see the number 8 imprinted on the seat.

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