Work day (T.J. x J.D)

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Words- 1025

Daddy- Josh
Little- Tyler
Song- "A Song About Love" by Charlie McDonnell

Tyler sat at the counter while Josh got ready in the morning, swinging his legs as he watched the male get dressed up. He'd already gotten the little boy ready, and Tyler was super excited to get to spend a day with Josh in the office.

Every since Josh had gotten his own office space, Tyler had been allowed to go with him more. Tyler had anxiety and depression and was very easily startled, so he generally worked from home, but when Josh had to go to the office, Tyler was left alone to his imagination, and that often didn't end well. But Josh was okay with taking care of his needy baby, he loved it.

Josh finished his hair and smiled down at the little boy, kissing his cheeks twice. "All packed and ready to eat breakfast?" Josh asked, still needing them to eat and brush their teeth.

Tyler nodded, and jumped off the counter, running off into the kitchen, Josh following right behind. "Daddy, can i's bring a stuffie in my backpack?" Tyler asked him politely, turning around to face the older male when they reached the kitchen.

Josh nodded, gently petting his head as he spoke, "Of course you can, just remember everything you take we have to bring home, okay? No more forgetting things in the office," Josh teased him playfully, referring to how almost every day the little forgot something. Tyler giggled and nodded, and got up into his seat at the counter, "And what would you like to eat?" Josh asked him, opening up a cabinet looking for ideas.

Tyler had this planned since last night, he jumped down from his seat, "Daddy, sit down, Ty-Ty got this," Tyler told him, and much to the daddy's surprise is, the little started making breakfast. A few minutes later, he had the two prepared with a plate of scrambled eggs, toast with jelly, and two pieces of candy for the both of them.

Josh looked at Tyler when he put the plate down in front of him, amazed that his Tyler did that. Strange morning. Tyler usually needed help doing a lot, which was perfectly fine, but his anxiety and fears often wouldn't let him do a lot of things.

Tyler sat back down in his spot, brushing his fingers through his own hair after he washes his hands. "Try it, Daddy, I's been practicing all week!" Tyler told him, which surprised Josh even more. He was so happy Tyler was doing things out of his comfort zone, even if they were tiny steps at first, he was getting out of his old ways, and trying new things, like cooking apparently.

Josh smiled and kissed Tyler's forehead, his little space mind couldn't understand how good this was for him, "I love you so much, baby," Josh told him, eating some eggs, before smiling happily at his baby, "They're really good, baby!" Josh promised him, even if they weren't the best, one week of learning probably wasn't enough to master baking and cooking alike.

"Thank you!" Tyler said happily, as he ate too. The two quickly ate when they realized they had to be leaving soon. They eventually got their teeth brushed, everything packed up and were out the door. Josh has Tyler buckled up in the passenger seat, kissing his nose and forehead before moving to his own side.

Eventually, after the short car ride, they made it to the office. And Josh lead the smaller boy inside, making sure he had everything, even getting him a few small snacks from the vending machines.

Josh's office was clean, all organized, and Josh had to admit most of that was because of Tyler. The boy just knew how to organize and keep things tidy, while not in little space at least.

But today he was, and Josh could tell that wasn't changing anytime soon. "Sweetheart, today, daddy has a meeting to go too around noon, but until then, you can do anything you want, okay?" Josh told him, watching Tyler as he made himself comfortable on the couch, grabbing his blankie and his phone.

"Mhmn, Okay, Daddy, can I still go see Beebo while yous have a meeting?" Tyler asked him happily, starting to color on an app on his phone.

Josh pet his head for a moment, before moving back to his desk and sitting down, "You May, baby, just be careful, and if he has to leave, come back in here," Josh told him softly. Tyler nodded and continued coloring, every few moments looking up at Josh and making sure his daddy was okay.

Eventually, Tyler noticed Josh was getting stressed out, so he crawled off of the couch and up into Josh's lap, "Papa Bear, I think it's time for a break," Tyler told Josh happily, watching as the male cuddled him close and held onto him like Tyler was a lifeline. "Daddy's so brave and sweet, can you tell Tyjo what's wrong?" Tyler asked him softly, gently tracing lines over his chest.

Josh pet Tyler's head and kissed his temple, and smiled down at him, knowing he was trying his best to comfort his daddy. "It's nothing, sweetheart, just work stuff," Josh explained to him, pulling open one of his drawers and giving Tyler a sucker from it.

The little boy took the sucker and nodded as he let Josh relax by snuggling him, "Ohs, daddy's gotta Lotta work?" Tyler asked him, and felt Josh shake his head, "Is it tricky?" He asked again, and sighing softly when Josh agreed it was, "Oh? I'ssa a good thing my daddy is the bestest at everything, and he's so good at what he does." Tyler encouraged him softly, sitting up a little to rub his nose against josh's.

"Thank you, sweetheart, you're too good for daddy," Josh told him softly, hugging him tightly as they cuddled in the chair for a while more, Josh procrastinating long enough to get the smaller boy to go to sleep, and just in time for his business meeting too.

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