Chapter 9: Hanging out with Asia

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*Y/n POV*

It's been a few days since I nearly melted into the pool, and Asia hadn't let me out of her sight since then.

Right now, she was dragging me around town, past shop after shop. There were bright, multiple colored lights and snowflakes, and... poorly made depictions of snowmen in the windows.

"Insulting." I said under my breath.

"What was that Y/n?" Asia asked.


We continued walking, well, more like she was walking, I was being dragged. I smiled as we passed by a group of children, many of whom stopped to pet Frosty, who was trotting behind us.


"So cute!"

I chuckled, and held out my hand, as he walked over and jumped into my arms. The children came up to me, and looked up at me.

"Hello sir," One girl said, "Can we pet your puppy?"

I kneeled down and held Frosty out to them, and they began to pet him.He tried to seem like he hated it, but I could tell by his wagging tail that he loved the attention.

*Asia POV*

I watched Y/n and the children. He... he...

He looked so cute!

'What is wrong with me!?' I screamed in my head, 'I love Issei! Not Y/n!'


Issei ignores me, no matter what I do. I am never enough for Issei.

Y/n looks up to me as a goddess. He likes to make me happy, and just seeing me happy makes him happy. I created him, and he constantly repays that fact with nothing but kindness and love and friendship.

I can't decided between the two of them. I... can't.

No matter how perfect Y/n is...


I slapped myself a few times, to bring myself back into focus. The children were waving and walking away, and Y/n turned back to me.

"Hey Asia?"

I looked at his perfect, glowing, handsome- NO!

"Y-yeah, Y/n?" I responded.

"What's Christmas?"

I looked at his face, seeing only absolute seriousness.

"You really don;t know what Christmas is?"

"No," He said, "I was kinda born less than a week ago."

"Well, Christmas is..." I struggled, "Christmas..."

He watched me curiously, as I struggled to describe Christmas without mentioning... him.

"Christmas is a holiday," I said, "Where a man named Santa comes to your house when you sleep and gives you presents."

"Huh, cool." He said nonchalantly.

"That's it?" I asked.

"I'm a living being made of snow," He said, "Some guy giving people presents is not the strangest thing ever."

"Well, I'd tell you the real meaning of Christmas," I explained, "But I'm a devil, it would hurt me."

"Don't hurt yourself." Y/n said, worried.

"Don't worry about me," I said, "I'll be fine."

I took his hand, and dragged him into another shop, as we continued our spree.

Christmas Special! Y/n The Snowman: A Male Reader x Highschool DXD StoryWhere stories live. Discover now