Watch (Minishaw)

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Pairing: Miniminter & Wroetoshaw (Simon and Harry)
•Prompt: Harry relies on random men for praise when all he really wants is Simon
•Warnings: Slight smut
•3rd person POV
Harry adjusts the cat ears that rest neatly on his head of curls, his legs crossed in front of him as he sits in front of his full length mirror.

A small, lace top hugs his upper torso snugly, silk ribbon wrapped around his stomach that leads down to his matching lace thong.

Soft, cotton stockings trail their way up his legs to about his mid thigh- sitting on the skin comfortably to go with his already risqué outfit.

He tips his head to the side as he admires himself, a small smirk on his lips as he knows he looks good- grabbing his phone and snapping a quick picture in the mirror.

Slowly, he rises to his feet, walking slowly over to his laptop whilst looking down at his phone- posting the picture he took on Instagram after adding a filter and captioning it 'going live soon, be there ;)'.

Almost immediately likes and comments start flooding his phone, most of the comments being along the line of 'will do ;)' or the occasional 'beautiful'.

He had grown quite a following ever since he became a camgirl, well, camguy- but camgirl sounded better, that's what everyone called him anyways.

Although thousands of people followed him, select few stood out- those being the guys that made sure to tune into every show, like and comment on every picture, and even pay Harry more for a little extra something on the side.

Harry didn't mind, though- he was kind of flattered that men took that much interest in him, especially since he didn't think that highly of himself.

Harry's snapped out of his thoughts when his cat jumps onto his lap, rolling onto her back and purring against the boy's soft skin.

"Aw, Vi, I have to go live soon." Harry frowns, petting the kitten's soft, brown fur and feeling her purr under his touch.

A small smile occupies his lips as he picks her up, opening the door to his room and gently placing her in the hallway, shutting the door as quietly as he can behind her as to not startle the gentle animal.

He huffs quietly as he throws his phone on his bed, grabbing his laptop and setting it up in front of him on his soft pink carpet- sitting down in front of the webcam so his whole body was in shot.

He takes a deep breath before clicking the button to go live, an innocent smile on his face as he sits back on his knees- watching as people start to flood into the chat room almost immediately.

"Hey guys, how's everyone doing?" He tips his head to the side, bringing his hand up to nibble on his finger gently- a small giggle erupting from him as he sees the replies.

"Yes, JJ, I wore the cat ears for you." He says smugly in reply to a question, moving his hands to rest on the carpet in front of him as he lays on his stomach- legs coming up behind him as he swings them slightly.

"Hmm, maybe after I see yours, Si." He winks at the camera, giggling quietly and continuing to answer questions- his head resting on his hand and smooshing his cheek so he looks like the most innocent boy in the world.

The number of watchers continue to go up, soon reaching over a thousand as he rambles on about his day, making sure to keep everyone interested with a change in position of how he's sitting every once in a while.

"You guys want to see a show with Star and I?" Harry raises his eyebrows as someone mentions it, not opposed to the idea as he traces patterns on the fabric beneath him.

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