# 𝒙𝒍𝒗𝒊. let me help noona *jin

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Being the oldest could be stressful, not as stressful as being the leader but it was definitely stressful. From the amount of things she did from the boys and the music and the fans and in her personal life. Things tended to pile up a lot.

Today was one of the many days where that happened.

She was sat at her desk, buried nose deep with lyrics for their new album, Namjoon gave them to her so she could go through them, sort them out and change anything she thought that could possibly be changed. At the same time she was listening to some beats Yoongi made and seemed pretty excited about, as well as listening to Seokjin rant.

It was times like this were her stress went wild.

"And th- are you listening?" Seokjin asked cutting himself off as he noticed she hadn't made a comment in a while.

"Yeah, I'm listening" Jimin nodded one of her earbuds dangling by the side of her face.

"What did I say?"

"You were talking about Jungkook"

She moved over the page of lyrics to the side just finishing it. She was slowly getting a migraine from the work she was doing.

"You never listen to me" Seokjin whined, he had stopped talking about the whole 'Jungkooks being a brat again' conversation a while ago.

His words seemed to make something in her snap. The lime green pen she was holding slid out of her hand, her earbud being pulled out as she spun around in her chair to face Seokjin. Her stress clear on her face and in her voice.

"And why do you think that is? I'm going through lyrics and listening to beats, while I'm trying to listen to you? Of course I can't really focus on you"

Seokjin felt guilt slowly take over him as he really noticed how she looked. Her blonde, pink and purple hair looked as if she's been pulling at it, her cheeks red and slightly damp, her eyes glossy and her lips quivering lightly. She looked like a mess really.

"I'm sorry" Seokjin whispered.

"I'm trying to listen to you. I am, I can't do everything at once"

"Do you want help Noona? You looked stressed?"

Jimin nodded as she turned back around in her chair wiping her cheeks "Yes please"

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