# 𝒙𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. let me help noona *j-hope

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The news was still fresh that Jimin had a girlfriend. Which also meant hate comments were at its high.

Jimin's been trying her best to ignore them but they seem to be at the top of anything related to them. So she couldn't help but see some of the hateful things they said.

She was prepared for this, she just didn't think it would be so extreme and this much of a big deal. She though most Army's would be happy for her in someway at least.

The hate was kinda hitting her harder than she wanted.

The boys had noticed that. She wasn't as excited for things, she'd slope around, she'd hide more, she wasn't really herself.

They felt bad for her.

Hoseok knew that whenever one of them were dealing with big amounts of hate she'd be there to cheer them up. So he wanted to do the same for her.

"Noona" He called to her knocking on her door.

"One second! I'm coming" She called back.

There was some noise coming in from behind the door but soon enough the door was opened.

She looked normal, though it was noticeable she made herself look that way. Her hair was slightly poofy, as if she just flattened it down. Her eyes were glossy, and her cheek and nose area were a light pink. She was also shaking lightly. It was noticeable she was crying before she opened the door.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked her.

"About what?"

Hoseok frowned a bit at her answer "You know what I'm talking about"

Jimin stayed silent for a second before she stepped to the side letting Hoseok step into the room.

"I feel so silly" Jimin said as she slumped against the closed door.


"I always talk about how you should ignore hate cause the people who send it have internal problems and stuff but here I am sloping around because I'm sad about hate"

Hoseok sighed and sat down beside her.

"You aren't silly because of it. Everyone gets sad about it at some point. And plus this is important to you, of course it would make you upset" He told her "But those aren't real fans, if they were then they'd be supporting you instead of putting you down"

"It seems like nobody's a fan of me at this point" Jimin sighed.

"You have us. We'll always be your personal cheerleaders"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" Hoseok said rubbing her shoulder "You wanna get something to eat?"

"...You know me so well"

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