57 | parting storms & taming seas

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One thing Sakura knows about family was to never hate on your own blood no matter the circumstances. But when one day, you start to see the black and white inked on the edge of a colourful canvas, you must realize that things aren't always so perfect. There would be dire days and a brewing storm looming over the perpetual ocean, and if one could cease them with small rays of sunshine, then they are in a good spot.

Sakura didn't have those rays and rainbows. All she ever had was the moonlight—not as prominent as the sunshine. Hers was never-ending like an endless bad dream, and it was long enough to pull the threads inside her to bring her closer to 'hate'. Especially when it goes to the point when simple, harsh words could bring her down and drain every ounce of life, living in the shell of a tottering saint.

That was all she ever thought of, or feel, when she watched them glancing around the café to spot their useless daughter—worthless, stupid. And the moment their heads turned in her way, her hands reluctantly left Eijirou's warm, tender hands, causing him to look at her with minimal confusion.

She looked out to the window, hearing rushed footsteps coming her way before she was, unexpectedly, embraced with a pair of arms tightly wrapped around her. She didn't have to check to see who it was, but her notion was enough to make her whole body tense when the only hugs she receives like this were found in forgotten memories.

Sakura was supposed to push her away, but the feeling of sentimentality was like a strong wave crashing over her it almost brought her to tears. In the end, her arms didn't make any move to return the gesture.

"We were so worried..!" Kanna's voice was thick, already giving her daughter the impression she had been crying. The girl felt her pulling away, facing her from the corner of her eye as she blankly stared at the window. "We looked everywhere for you after we called your phone.. but you didn't pick up. I-I thought you'd be in trouble.. but I don't think our daughter would ever do something stupid. Especially when we know you're a smart girl."

She almost had the audacity to laugh in her face because of that, but deep down, even if she hated it, she was glad that they know her enough to stay away.

"Sakura, honey," she sniffed, gently caressing her cheek to get her to look at her in the eye. "I know you're upset because of me.. and because of that, I'm truly sorry. I'm sorry for doing such a thing to you.."

Flashbacks from the night before wandered her mind, constantly reminding the blue girl of the words that shot through her like a bullet, cracking her shell slowly to the point when she broke to unleash the troubled soul accompanied with a piercing blow.

Tears began to sting, biting her lip harshly as she kept her gaze on the scenery outside.

"Honey, please.. Can.. can we talk?"

Reluctantly, with a sigh, Sakura flickered her gaze to see her father standing beside the seat where Eijirou was sitting. Eijirou was watching the whole scene with a somewhat solemn expression—awkwardness blatantly showing. The father was standing there with an unreadable expression, but places a hand on Kanna's shoulder.

Sakura averted her gaze. "Fine.. Say what you need to say.. then leave."

With that, she looked over to Eijirou who was still in his seat, somewhat frozen in his place, not knowing what to do. She nods a little, signalling the redhead.

"U-Um," he uttered, immediately standing up, placing his hand on the nape of his neck when both heads turned to him. "P-Please excuse me." He bowed before quickly shouldering past her father, walking off somewhere out of sound.

Touma turned to her, lips parted to speak. "Kid—"

"Let's switch tables shall we?" She muttered, Kanna's arms automatically letting go of her the moment she stood up, walking over to the sofa and sat down.

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