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Sabina's POV- October 2018
I glanced up as I heard the front door open.

"Hey" I greeted my blonde best friend.

Stevie smiles as she closed the door before setting her jacket and purse on the couch.

"It smells amazing in here"

She made her way over and wrapped her arms around me.

"It's just baked chicken" I told her.

"So who is coming over for dinner?"

"Lauren, Jonny's wife" I replied.

"I like her, she's a doll"

Lauren was honestly the sweetest.

"I like the dark roots" I noted.

She smiled.

"I don't really have time to see my hairdresser so she made this miracle to last me at least until after Thanksgiving"

"I like it" I told her.

She smiled and ran her hand through her hair.

"You look nice" I complimented.

"It's not too much, right?"

I watched as she nervously scratched her forearm and then "smoothened out" her all-black ensemble outfit.

"No, of course not" I answered.

She was nervous, a first for Stevie.

"I'm actually really nervous"

"Why?" I found myself asking.

"I don't want to fuck this up"


"He's so nice and kind, and really handsome"

I found myself smiling as she touched her cheeks.

"Sabs, he makes me giggle"

Oh, I noticed.

"I told him about my past with Alex"

"How much did you tell him?" I wondered.


Oh, no.

"That's his teammate" I pointed out.

"We were never actually a thing, but Paul seems okay with it"

Alex was going to get into his head.

"Sabs, he's different"

She smiled.

"I get so smiley just thinking of him"

Girl, you were failing hard and fast.

"I'm going to fuck this up somehow"

Pretty sure Alex would.

"It's gonna hurt, a lot"

I hugged her.

"Don't think about it, Steve, just enjoy it" I told her.

She nodded and took a deep breath.


The doorbell rang.

"I'm going to go clean up"

I nodded and followed her out into the living room. As she went to the bathroom, I propped the front door open and made my way downstairs. I unlocked the door and smiled as I made eye contact with Lauren Brodzinski.

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