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Before we sink into our imagination, I'd like to dedicate this one to KatnissMellark2307 , my first reader, Thank you for sticking by my words, to you dedicate these words.

Enjoy x


Unlike the usual atmosphere that sets in our flat, tension took over. Harry and I would literally snap at any little crack, taking it out at the other.

All because Harry was leaving tomorrow, early in the morning, for tour.

I truly despised sleep because it was what's going to lead us to the next day, and then when I'd wake up, who knows if Harry would be here or not.

I didn't want the sun to set or rise, stopping the commencement of the next day. I wished I could bribe time into pausing for a few more hours with him, but I knew I'd eventually be greedy for more. A few minutes were simply not sufficient when it came to the man I love.
Eternity, on the other hand, sounded closely acceptable, and the ring on my left hand promised so.

I knew he felt tore between two ends, he wanted to stay with me, which warmed my heart, but he also loved playing his heart out on that stage and that's where he belonged.

Our next argument started with Harry thinking I hid away his clothes just so he wouldn't go, and I was stood here trying my hardest not to snap so one of us would be sensible.

When all of a sudden my arms abducted away from my body and hit the mug of tea resting on the table, my eyes widened in shock and I tried to run and save the object drowning but it was too late.

and Harry's phone was the victim of the accident.

I looked at Harry and I thought, this is where it's all going down hill, like he needed more convincing.

"Oh MY GOD! What did you just do?!" He yelled and snatched the phone from my hand, cursing word after another, and silence kept accompanying me.

"You just can't stand me being happy" Those words are what made me snap and fume with anger, killing the silence away.

"WHAT?! Don't you dare say this is what I want, you have no idea-"

"Oh I have a pretty clear idea what you want, you want me to be chained to this flat and never leave!"

"Harry have you lost your mind ?!"

"Look, You're little scheme of ruining my happiness of finally going on tour won't work, so just drop the act already! You're miserable and you want me to be like you! " His words cut deep accusingly , like I'd just jumped into a window made of glass.

"Well you know what, since I'm a misery source to you and all, I am not gonna let you see me before you leave to your liberated getaway!" I glanced at him letting him see how much pain I was in, and just like that I saw the reality of the scene crash into his eyes. He looked stunned and regretful, like he was out and he just got control, good, let him be.

I went upstairs into the guest room, shut the door behind me loudly screaming instead of my vocals. With placing the lock in place, I lied on bed looking at the ceiling and then the reality of what Harry said crashed into me, making my heart weigh like a ton.

When you don't want to sleep to get to you, it does, but in a way it's soothing. When I woke up again, the house was silent, the only companion to my ears were the sounds of the streets coming from the window beside me.

So it wasn't a dream. Harry left with bitter words last exchanged between the two of us, and he knew just how important goodbyes were to me.

I knew Harry was under a lot of pressure yesterday, and that he meant none of the words he said last night, but, they still hurt. Scars fade, bruises do too, but words will forever be in a persons memory, cutting deep.

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