31| Wounded Soldier

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It was a rainy night, and the electricity was out.

Through all the drops knocking against my windows, and the wind making their entrance through the darkness, I was able to hear a heavy knock against my door.

I put the ethanol back in the cabinet and wiped my hands on the robe I had on, pulled around the lock and opened the door to the guest outside.

I was opening the door to a shadow, a tall figure drenched in water, his boots were muddy from the road and mirroring his face, but nothing could reach his green eyes.

It was obvious from the yellow on his shoulders and the brown colors he had on, that he was a soldier.

When I made a move to speak, his tall built up figure that looked too strong for me, crumbled, his knees bent and his body fell on mine.

He was so heavy, and he just ruined my robe, meaning I had to change into another one, right after I see what his deal is.

I put my hands on his waist and tried to pull him up, "you walked all the way over here, it's too damn hard to walk inside".

He chuckled and helped me in pulling him up and across the floor to the chair next to my cabinet. He sat down with a clench of his teeth and a closed pair of eyes.

He was obviously in pain, judging by how his let leg was tense and a few inches from the floor, then he isn't able to bend it, meaning it's the problem.

I brought the candle next to my working station, and like I thought, there was a bandage wrapped around his left leg and a blood pool was drenching it. I brought a knife and cut the bandage as well as the fabric closing on the wound.

There was a huge cut in his leg, not an artery for sure, but it's severely deep, suturing will do.

"You know what you're doing right"

I injected the needle in his leg and slowly let the anesthesia flow in his system till the syringe was empty. He chuckled in response to my silence and sat more comfortably.

Until the anesthesia can take its effect, I went around my kitchen gathering what I needed to care for his wound.

When I sat back down, I brought the suturing needle and held it up with needle holder, sterilized it and started doing my job.

I know the anesthesia wasn't strong enough, I was only able to give him a low dose, but he held it up quite well. He hissed occasionally, and I saw the muscle of his thigh tense but that was about it.

I put the needle down, cleaned his wound, made sure everything looks alright, and brought a new bandage and wrapped it around his thigh.

When I was finished I made the mistake of looking up and saw his eyes meet mine.

I looked back down to gather my equipment and stood up to put them away, but his hand went around my wrist.

"You didn't use penicillin, did you ?"

I looked back at him like he was an alien, cause he was, but I decided to respond to him this time.

"You're allergic, Harry"

His eyes lingered for a bit, trying to search for the pieces he left behind, of me, but there were none left. I think he figured that out, cause he turned away from me.

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