Chapter 23

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"Will everyone please gather into your assigned groups please," David says through the bullhorn. David stands on a picnic bench, with Mary Margret standing next to him. All the group leaders stand in front of the officer. They stare in awe at the number of people who have come to help them find Emma. Henry's heart swells happily.

"We want to thank everyone for coming and for all the help our volunteers have done. Before we begin the search please remember, stay with your groups, follow the map and if anything seems suspicious, please report it to the supervising officers or return to home base. Now my wife would like to say a few words."

Mary Margret clears her throat.

"Thank you all for helping us. Some of you probably don't know Emma, but it fills us with the hope that we will be able to find her with your help. Thank you so much." Mary Margret does her best to not burst out crying.

"Now each of you has been assigned a specific leader, all of them are wearing name tags and have a specific coloured flag. We will all keep in contact with walkie-talkies to report anything. Many of the leaders were with Emma the night she went missing so they will be able to tell you where she was and what might've happened to her. Each of them has a specific area to search and please stay in contact with them. Please remember to stay together and get the word out as much as possible. There will also be cadaver dogs who will help us get a big lead. Please stay hydrated and safe. Thank you."

There is some applause from the people.

"Group going south please follow me!" Ruby shouts, holding up her flag. Dorothy is in the front and helps lead the large group as they leave the park. Zelena and Robin's group head west. Lacey's to the North, Regina and Graham's to the downtown area to the east. Killian is going to guide the harbour group, MeyLing southeast, David northwest, Aurora and Phillip southwest and Leroy to the northeast. Henry decides to go with David, with Violet tagging right along.

All the parties scatter, starting from the Good Luck Chuck Wagon where Emma was last seen and disperse.

Leroy hands one of Emma's scarves to the dog trainer and the dog takes a good sniff.

The dog puts his nose to the ground and begins his search. He takes a few steps away from the bar before tracing the residue of gasoline, most likely from a car. He sits and puts his paw on his owner's leg.

"What does that mean?" Leroy asks.

"It means that there is a car involved," the trainer explains.

"Can he still follow it?"

"Yes, but it will be more complicated."


"Have you seen this woman anywhere?" Ruby asks, holding a flier up to a convenience store owner.

"I'm sorry ma 'me, I haven't," the man says behind the counter.

"Has there been any suspicious activity in the area?" Ruby asks.

"Sorry no,"

Ruby takes in a sharp breath, trying to keep herself calm. Dorothy steps in.

"Do you mind if we hang a poster in your store?"

"Sure, it's the least I can do to help you," the man says.

Ruby sighs and grabs the tape from her backpack.

"Discouraged already?" Dorothy asks as they exit the store. Many of the searchers have taken other businesses on the street to ask for any information.

"It's just so frustrating," Ruby sighs. "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Boston is so big and our party is so small."

"Try to keep up hope," Dorothy says. "It could be worse."

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