Chapter 66

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"Slightly malnourished, cut hands, bruised trachea, bruises and cuts, evidence of sexual and physical abuse and a developing infant," the doctor says, examining a clipboard.

Emma sits on an examination table in the hospital, dressed in a hospital robe and although it wasn't the most comfortable, anything was better than the rags she'd been forced to wear for the past few months. Several security guards had been positioned outside to protect Emma from Arthur while she had a full examination.

"And you're certain you're with child?"

"Yes," Emma nods. "I've had morning sickness and I've felt movement."

"Well, I'll set up an ultrasound as soon as possible, but other than that, I must say that you are a very lucky woman to have endured captivity for so long. I now insist that you get some rest before the police arrive to take your statements."

"And my family... Have they been called?"

"Yes Ma 'me they have."

Emma manages a smile a little bit before she begins to cry a little bit. The doctor reaches over and puts his hand on her shoulder. Emma flinches at first but the doctor then helps her off the table. A nurse then comes to bring the survivor down the hallway.

"You'll be escorted to a private room and there will be officers stationed at the door for protection," the nurse says.

"Thank you, doctor," Emma says before several officers lead her and the nurse down the hall.

"I wish you the best of luck my dear," the doctor smiles before he exits in the opposite direction.

As they go down the hall lit by fluorescent lights, Emma can't help that she feels almost like a celebrity with the bodyguards around to protect her. However, the happy moment fades quickly as she becomes worried about if Arthur had been caught and whether he might be lurking around in the halls somewhere. She doesn't know why she should be so afraid of him, she's safe now, away from that hell hole and will soon be reunited with her son. She then realizes that she called all her other friends, family, which seemed unusual, but it had to be true all of them were trying to help her, even August and they cared about her so much. She feels tears in her eyes; she'd never had a real permanent family before or felt like she ever really belonged anywhere, but now that she knew everyone she loved returned that affection, her heart was overwhelmed with joy.

Once they come to a room deep in the hospital, the nurse follows Emma in. The bed is a typical hospital bed with an adjustable back, but compared to the one she'd been forced to sleep in before, it was heaven. She couldn't wait to go back to her own home and sleep in her own bed again, surrounded by familiar settings.

"I'll be back in a few hours to bring you some food, but for now just try to rest," the nurse says gently.

Emma crawls under the sanitized covers and lays back, happy for a comfortable pillow. "Thank you."

"I'll just be a call away if you need anything."

"Will you let me know the minute my son and friends get here?" Emma asks.

"Of course," the nurse says with a smile. She then turns the lights out and exits.

Emma lays back on the bed, trying to get comfortable. The room was darkened for her sake and felt empty. There was only a single chair by the window and another hospital bed on the opposite end of the room that could be separated from her with the curtain. The only sounds were the humming of nearby machinery and the wind outside. Emma wasn't sure what time it was, but it was likely late. She didn't really want to sleep, wanting to hold Henry in her arms again and kiss Killian. She was happy, but also afraid, especially if she was carrying Arthur's baby. Would Killian still want to be with her? Especially if she was pregnant with another man's baby? It wasn't by choice of course but still made her very nervous.

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