Chapter 31

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"Do you think that bitch knew what happened to Emma?" Ruby asks angrily.

The entire group is sitting in the emergency room, waiting for news about the woman who was found where Emma had been held.

Everyone was heartbroken to hear from David that he found a potential witness, but not Emma. They had their hopes up that they would see their blonde friend or mother or girlfriend again, and instead were let down.

"Ruby don't say that," Mary Margret grumbles, holding her heavy stomach. "We don't know anything yet."

"The woman was pretty beat up," Elsa says. "I think she might have been a witness and had to be silenced."

David stands in the corner, going over evidence they found at the house. He too was disappointed about not catching the bastard who had abducted Emma, at least they had a potential witness. Plus the police were not too far off in terms of the lead; Emma had been in the house, according to the cadaver dogs, she'd been there recently. There were droplets of her blood on the floor and her scent was all over the basement. David's stomach twisted when he saw where Emma had been held. A cold and dark basement likely chained to the bed, put through some form of torture and likely rape according to the crime scene analysis. There were traces of semen found on the bed, but a lot of Emma's DNA, including strands of her blonde hair. David had almost wanted to hold onto the hairs as if it would connect him to Emma. Nova and Jack were still collecting evidence at the scene, taping it off and searching it from top to bottom. David had yet to tell the others about the crime scene findings, he knew that Henry would be very upset and Killian might be worse. If the implications of rape were true... he didn't want to think about what the docks man might do to the bastard if there was anything left of him after he went through David first.

The unconscious woman had been brought to the hospital and stabilized. Apparently, as David spoke to the paramedics, she only had a bad head wound, the blood on the floor was likely not hers. There was a bloody screwdriver found upstairs in the bathroom and the woman had no puncture wounds. This was slightly relieving as David would not want their only lead to die. At the same time, he was worried that the blood was Emma's and that she may, in fact, be dead or bleeding out somewhere.

"I still say she knows where Emma is now," Ruby growls under her breath.

"How was she, David, when you found her?" Zelena asks.

"Well, she was breathing and she had a pulse. She was pale and motionless, but she still was alive. We'll know more when Dr. Whale comes out."

Dr. Whale was a well-known doctor in Boston, top of his craft and a skilled surgeon. He also had a degree in pediatrics and was helping Mary Margret through her pregnancy. David knew the man well and trusted that he would do what he could to help this woman.

Nova is doing research on the house in terms of the owners of the property and other important info, while Jack gathered as much forensic information as he could and interviewed the neighbours for any leads.

If David was honest, he didn't agree with Ruby. This poor woman was locked in the house, unconscious and possibly bleeding and whoever was with her left her there. She did look like a victim, but looks could be deceiving. David had to keep an open mind when he interviewed her.

Suddenly, Dr. Whale walks through the door, David turns to face him.

"How is she?" David asks, everyone else leans forward for information.

"She should be fine. She received a nasty conk on the head and a few bruises, but other than that, she's fine."

"Can we talk to her?"

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