Chapter 59

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A few hundred miles away, the same snow storm was striking a similar forest, with another cabin in the woods, only this time it was not abandoned. Emma sits huddled under a few thick blankets, trying to keep herself and the baby warm. She listens to the wind rattle against the cabin walls. She sits by the fire that she's trying to keep going and drinking hot water, as cocoa was not available. She tries to keep her mind off the cold and her current predicament in general.

The thought of burning the entire cabin down and making a run for it crosses her mind. Arthur is outside chopping some more wood; she could try and grab his car keys and drive away. Even if she didn't make it very far in the storm, anywhere would be better than here. Trapped like a bug in a glass jar. She could see the world around her, but she couldn't touch it. In fact, she can't remember the last time she even touched the ground outside. The problems with this plan are that Arthur locked the door and if she was to set the place on fire, she'd be trapped inside. If she couldn't steal his truck, there was no way she would survive the elements. Emma stands up and begins walking around the living room, trying to get some exercise. She also tries to do some push-ups but becomes tired after awhile. She wanted to keep herself in fighting shape, but the baby was making that more difficult.

She stares down at her stomach, which wasn't very big, but there was a slight bulge to it. She had been feeling the slight movement of the child, indicating that the baby was kicking.

"I wish I could just take you away from here," she whispered.

She sits at the window and looks out into the darkening night.

She wonders what the baby will look like.

If it was hers and Killian's, she wanted it to have his blue eyes. Those were the eyes that drew her to him, like a beacon of hope. If it was a boy, she might like it to have dark hair like his, but a blonde boy wouldn't be too bad either. Her heart flutters at the thought of a mini Killian. If it was a girl, she still wanted the blue eyes, she would be okay with the girl having her green eyes or maybe a mix of both colours. She thought about what she would name it. A boy, it would likely be Liam to honour her boyfriend's brother, but she also always likes the Aiden or Noah. For a girl... Julia was nice, or maybe Amelia.

She swallows at her next thought and her stomach turns violently. If it was hers and Arthur's, she wants it to only look like her. If the baby looked like him... she may not be able to care for the baby. She didn't want to be reminded of her rapist every time she looked at what was supposed to be a product of innocence and love. She wipes away a small tear when the back door slams shut.

"Planning another escape again eh?" Arthur calls from across the room.

Emma turns away, refusing to answer him.

"Wouldn't do you much good in this weather. Says it's going to keep up all night. You'd be frozen before you went ten steps."

Again, Emma doesn't answer.

Arthur stomps over to the stove where Emma had the kettle on.

"You making something?"

Emma just shakes her head and moves upstairs, away from her captor.

Arthur just shrugs. He didn't care if Emma even spoke to him anymore. As long as she kept the baby safe, it wasn't his problem. He brings over the pile of logs and builds up the fire again. He sits back with a beer and watches the flames flicker.

He wonders what Gwen must be up to with the kids. He wondered how their Christmas went. He doubted Gwen missed him, but the kids surely did. They always loved Christmas with their father because he would always hide the ornaments around the house and have the kids find them to hang on the tree. He could not lie to himself, he knew he felt very sad when the holiday came and went, but he had made his choice... and that was it.


Upstairs, Emma lays on the ratty bed, letting a few tears flow down her face. She wanted so badly to get out of here, but so far all her chances to escape had caused her physical pain and now with the baby, she had another life to protect besides her own.

The man didn't care if Emma lived or died, as long as the baby was safe. She grabs a rock and pitches it across the room in pure anger. All it does is hit the wall with a thud and fall to the floor.

I can't believe that this happened to me. Why me?! Of all people? Why couldn't that bastard just leave me alone and try to live a normal life? He had kids, he had a wife, why did he throw it all away?!

She knew David would never give up looking for her, neither would anyone else, but her hope has faded, especially after several months now. If she wanted to be rescued, she would have to do it herself, but what could she do without getting herself or the baby killed?

Suddenly, a thought enters her mind. A thought about how this baby might just be able to save her. It would be extremely risky, but it might be her only shot. She knew that all Arthur cared for was the baby and maybe... just maybe this could work to her advantage.


What do you think? What could her new plan be? Stay tuned for more. Sorry if this chapter is short.

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