party time

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I forgot to text my sister to invite her last night so I grabbed my phone and told her to meet me at my hotel room as soon as she could.



"why? what's going on that's so important?"


"its a surprise now get your ass over here and dress like your going to a party!"


"ugh! fine! this better be good or I'm kicking your ass!"


"oh, its more than good. you will love me forever. or at least you better. but when we get there you have to swear to me that you won't freak out."


"OK? I promise?"


"good now be here soon or we're going to be late."


"I'm on my way now."


"OK see you when you get here."




she is going to freak out when she finds out what's going on. I think to myself when I hear a knock on the door. I open the door to see my sister that I haven't seen in 2-3 years. I hug her tightly. "hey come in!" I say as she walks through the door.

"wow this hotel room is amazing! so where are we going again?" she asks.

"I didn't tell you its a surprise." I say.

"OK and why aren't you dressed?" she asked confused.

"I was trying to pick something out when you knocked on the door." I say laughing.

"oh well I'll help you then." she says laughing.

I eventually went with a black and white floral beach dress and some black wedges. I curled my hair a little bit and brushed my fingers through it to make it wavy and put on some mascara. I don't really like using makeup.

"are you ready?" I ask as we walk up to the door.

"I think so. I mean I don't know what to expect so I guess I'm prepared for the worst but if these guys are ugly I'm leaving." she says laughing.

"OK but I think you will enjoy yourself." I say knocking on the door. I had Cameron pick someone we didn't know to answer the door so my sister didn't suspect anything. we walked in and Cameron jumped to his feet to greet me. I look over to my sister and her mouth is wide open covered by her hands in shock.

"you didn't, but how did, what, how did you, what?!" she says in complete shock.

"so I heard you have a thing for Nash Grier?" Cameron asks makayla and her face turns red as Nash walks up to her and embraces her in a hug.

"hi, you must be makayla." Nash says hugging my sister while cam is hugging me tightly. we all walk over to the couch to introduce each other. as we walk over to the couch Nash looks at me and says "and you must be the famous beautiful grace I've been hearing about nonstop sense this morning." he says laughing and nudging Cameron's arm.

"yes I am its very nice to meet you and thank you so much for letting my sister come over I know it was a huge risk for you guys to let fans know where your staying haha." I say laughing a little bit.

"oh, its no problem I mean she wanted to meet me and with as much as I've been hearing about how gorgeous you are I wanted to meet her to see if she was gorgeous as well and zayumn is she fine!" Nash says looking at my sister with one arm around her shoulder.

"hi everyone. I'm Grace and this is my sister Makayla." I say as we sit down on the couch with everyone else in the room. Cameron sat by me and I cuddled up to him and Nash sat by makayla as she cuddled up to him as well. I noticed as my sister got comfortable with her head on Nash's lap Nash blushed very badly.

'thank you so much!' my sister mouthed the words to me.

'your welcome' I mouthed back. I hear someone call my name and I look up to see Matt introducing himself and everyone did the same. they just kept going down the line till everyone knew everyone.

"do you want an alcoholic beverage?" cam asked me and Nash asked my sister. "no. I don't drink." me and makayla both said in unison.

"oh well, what about some pop?" they asked us.

"only if its diet." my sister says.

"sure I don't mind what kind it is I don't drink soda that much anyways." I say to cam as they both get up to get us a drink I notice all the guys crowd around us and start asking all these questions.

"so how old are you?" Matt questioned us.

"I'm 22 and makayla is 19." I say.

"what's your favorite food?" Aaron asks.

"I try anything I don't have a favorite food." I say turning to makayla for her to answer.

"my favorite food is pizza." makayla says.

*after the party*

Nash grabs his keys off the counter. "I'm driving makayla home I may stay there tonight because I'm exhausted." he says smiling at makayla.

"OK." cam says to Nash.

"hey if your staying the night there can I stay here tonight?" I ask Nash.

"sweety. your a part of cams life now. you don't have to ask." he says smiling at cam.

"off we go!" makayla yells dragging Nash out the door.

"thanks!" I yell to Nash before the door slams shut.

"so. do you wanna watch a movie in the living room with me? I rented this new movie I've been wanting to see really bad. its called 'The Fault In Our Stars'" Cameron's asks me.

"oh my god! yes! I've been waiting to see that movie forever! I read the book but I've never seen the movie." I say looking at him.

"well don't tell me what happens. I wanna find out for myself." he says pushing his bottom lip out to make it seem that he's pouting.

"OK, let's get to watching it then!" I say sitting on the couch.

(Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction) The Day My Life Changed ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now