the memory

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I had just moved into my new house. I was finished unpacking and called my best friend Bryce that I had finally gotten done unpacking and it was my first night in my new home. After I got off the phone with him I laid down in bed. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard the door open and slam shut.

"Bryce?!" I called out thinking maybe it was him. But then I heard the footsteps stop. I laid back down and wasnt scared I figured it was just Bryce. Soon after I stopped talking the footsteps started again and they were coming up the stairs. I heard them get closer and closer until finally they stopped outside my bedroom door. I heard the door slowly creek open. I turned around to see and tall man dressed in all black. He started walking towards my bed.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked scared for my life but before he responded everything went black. I woke up and I was tied down to the bed. I looked over to see the man with a cloth in his hand. He walked over to me and opened my mouth and stuck a ball in it and secured it with the cloth wrapping around my head. He slowly climbed on top of me and tore my shirt off of me as I started crying. He slowly unbuttoned my pants as I started to squirm trying to get away. He pulled my pants down and took my bra and panties off. He slowly pulled down his pants and underwear and shoved him-self into me. I started to cry in pain.

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