can i move in?

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*Cameron's P.O.V*

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called Nash.

"Hello?" Nash picked up on the other end.

"Hey dude! So I have some bad news." I said trailing off.

"What's going on bro?" Nash asked worriedly.

"So I let the guys have a party at our house when we left to see Heaven and Makayla's mom and they never cleaned up so when we got back our house was trashed and I told Heaven everything but she still kinda kicked me out...." I said sadly.

"Dude. That's awful. What are you gonna do now?" Nash asked.

"I was hoping um.... maybe... can I move back in with you guys?" I asked hopefully.

"Um. Sure! Just come over when your ready I'll explain to Makayla." Nash said baffled.

"Ok. Be over in a bit.

*Heavens P.O.V.*

"Hello?" Makayla asked through the phone.

"Hey." I said tears obvious in my voice.

"Omg! What's wrong?! I'm coming over now with some junk food and chick flicks! Wait there! Don't move!" Makayla yelled through the phone making me laugh a little as she hung up. I heard a knock on the door and quickly ran downstairs and opened the door to see Cameron standing there. My face turned from a smile to a frown almost instantaneously.

"What do you want Cameron?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I.... uh.... I.... came to uh.... came to pack my things...." Cameron said sadly.

"Why? I thought you were gonna fight to get me back? Are you just gonna give up on me like that?! I thought you loved me?!" I yelled tears streaming down my face again.

"I-I do love you so much. T-thats why I need to leave. There's something you don't know and I don't plan on telling you..." Cameron said tears filling his eyes.

"Tell me now." I demanded.

"Um... well I was scared. You can't judge me.... i-it was after we found out you were pregnant. And we went to magcon.... I uh...." Cameron started to say and tears started flowing down his face.

"You what Cameron?" I asked angrily.

"I uh.... I... I.... I kinda.... slept with.... mahogany...." Cameron trailed off crying even harder. I stood in disbelief.

"How could you?! You said you loved me! You asked me to marry you! And you weren't ever going to tell me you cheated on me?! I can't fucking believe you! Your so pathetic! Get out of my face! Don't even bother getting your things! Makayla can take them back with her when she leaves! You fucking asshole! I never want to see you again! GET OUT!" I screamed at him hitting him repeatedly in the chest as I cried my eyes out. "Its over! Take your stupid fucking ring back! I don't want it! I hate you!" I screamed throwing the ring at him and slamming the door in his face.

*Cameron's P.O.V*

Heaven slammed the door in my face and I went to walk away. That's when I saw Makayla walking past me.

"Oh no. what did you do?" Makayla asked disappointedly.

"I-i screwed up. Sh-she won't ever forgive me." I cried as I walked up to her and hugged her.

"Shhhh. What happened?" Makayla asked trying to calm me down.

"I-i made a mistake. After I found out Heaven was pregnant I freaked out and when we went to magcon i-i kinda uh.... slept with mahogany." I said while crying.

"YOU DID WHAT TO MY SISTER?! THATS MY SISTER! IF IT WERE ME I WOULDNT EVER FORGIVE YOU EITHER! DONT EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO MOVE BACK IN WITH US! I WONT LET NASH GIVE INTO YOU! I WONT BE ABLE TO BEAR SEEING YOUR FACE WITHOUT WANTING TO HIT YOU!" Makayla spat in my face as she pushed me away and slapped me. She stormed past me and ran into the house. I went over to Nash's house so I could have some support.

*Heavens P.O.V*

Makayla would be here any second but I didn't want to move from the bed. I soon heard the door open and slam shut. Oh god Cameron's in here. I can't let him near me. I can't. I don't ever want to see his face again. I loved him. We have a child. We were going to get married. And that's his idea of a wedding gift? Wtf?! I thought to myself but then heard the reassuring sound of Makayla's voice.

"Hey. Cameron told me what happened. Don't worry. I went off on him. Nobodies going to treat my sister like that." Makayla said with pure anger in her voice.

"Thanks for having my back. I just can't believe with all I've been through in the past with cheating that I actually believed he loved me." I said breaking down. I asked makayla to leave me so I could have some time to think. I asked her to take care of summer for awhile till I was feeling better. And she left. I was home. Alone. Just like that night. The night I don't ever forget but don't ever want to remember.


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