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We finally got to my moms. We knocked on the door as she answered and smiled.

"What a lovely surprise." She said smiling and taking Cameron and I in her arms.

"We came to pick up Summer. We're still on tour but Zavier was born today and it made me realize how much we missed her." I said walking in.

"Oh I missed the birth?" She asked sadly.

"Yes but you wouldn't have had time to get up there in time for him to be born anyway. It was a very quick birth. We can take you up there when we go back though." I said smiling.

"Okay." She said back.

"Mom. Where's Summer?" I asked.

"Oh. I, she, uhm. She's asleep." My mom said.

"Oh okay." I said heading toward her room. I opened the door to see my beautiful daughter sound asleep in bed.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit for a bit." I said closing the door and going to the living room and sitting down. We had a lot of good laughs and conversations and about two hours later I see my little girl walking down the hallway rubbing the tired ouof her eyes. When she hits the light she starts screaming and running towards Cameron and I.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She screamed as she hugged both of us.

"Hey baby how are you?" I said hugging her.

"Good. Why are you guys here?" She asked.

"We're here to pick you up an take you with us!" I said smiling widely.

"Really?!" She asked excitedly.

"Yes! Let's go pack your stuff!" I said picking her up and taking her and Cameron's hand and going to her room. We soon finished packing and we explained to my mom that we're having our wedding soon so she's just going to stay with us.

(Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction) The Day My Life Changed ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now