instant love

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As my mom answered the door I automatically jumped into her arms to hug her. She started crying really hard and that's when I noticed. Its today. Today is my moms birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled as I hugged her and everyone jumped in yelling happy birthday as well. We walked in the house and we sat in the living room. "Man this place hasn't changed a bit sense I left." I said smiling at my mom.

"Nope! Still the same old house kids!" My mom said jokingly. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Is that my baby granddaughter?!" My mom yelled in question.

"Yes! I almost forgot! Mom this is Cameron, Nash, and most important your granddaughter Summer!" I said handing her summer. She instantly smiled.

"I've never fell in love with someone so quickly besides my own children. Its like it was meant to be. Instant love. She's just so irresistible!" My mom yelled.

"Yes she is. Well we will leave you to play with her for a bit. Cameron and I planned on going out to my favorite restaurant when we got here. But we won't be long. I swear." I said hugging her tightly before we go. We raced out to the car and got in. "I have to get her a gift Cam. I can't just leave here without giving my mother a gift after I haven't seen her in god knows how long." I said looking at him hopefully.

"Ok. What does she like?" Cameron asked gently.

"Chinese themed things. Her living room is Chinese themed." I said. But where are we going to find things like that? I asked myself. We pulled into the mall and looked around for a bit. We surprisingly found a Chinese store. We walked in and they had huge Chinese fans. They were gorgeous.

"Cameron. We have to get her one of those." I said my face full of excitement.

"Which one though?" He asked confused.

"The pink one!" I said pointing in astonishment.

"OK." Cameron said walking up to the counter. "Can I get one of those pink fans you have hanging there please?" Cameron asked. The lady got it down and rung up the price Cameron payed for it and we went to find gift wrapping paper. We came across pink Chinese symbol filled silky wrap and got that to wrap her fan in. (My moms favorite color is pink) We went to a store and got her a cake and ice cream. We got back to the house and we prepared dinner for her. After dinner we brought in the cake and ice cream.

"Ok. Mom. Do you want to open your gift first or have cake and ice cream first?" I asked her just like she used to ask me when I was a child.

"I love surprises so let's do cake and ice cream first." She said smiling. After we got done eating the cake and ice cream Cameron and I went to go get her gift. She was freaking out about just the wrapping paper. She made sure not to tear it so she could keep it. She opened the gift and her jaw dropped in happiness.

"Thank you guys so much! But you really didn't have to do this Cameron." My mom said standing up bringing Cameron into an embrace.

"But I really did. Ma'am-" Cameron got cut off by my mom.

"Oh please don't call me that it makes me feel old. Call me Shannon." She said hitting his arm playfully.

"Ok. Ma- erm Shannon. I really did have to do this. Its what your beautiful daughter and my beautiful soon to be wife wanted and if that's what makes her happy I'm all for it. Plus if I'm going to be a part of this family I want everyone to know they are just as much as family to me as my blood-related family is." Cameron said grabbing my waist and pulling me into his side looking into my eyes smiling.

"Well Cameron. Thank you. I love it." She said smiling and hugging both of us.

"Mom. Unfortunately we have to get going. We have a tour to start tomorrow." I said tearing up not wanting to leave. I wanted to stay here and tell my mom everything that has been going on. But I can't we have to start sunsation tour tomorrow.

"Oh. Ok. Well promise me you'll come visit me more often. I miss you so much and I love having you and Summer and Cameron all around. It makes me feel like a family lives here again." She said smiling. I hugged her goodbye and we were on our way back to Cali.

§§§§§§Authors Note!§§§§§§§§

Sorry its been so long sense I've updated. I've been having really bad writers block. If you want to be in my story just message me and I'll try my best to include you. I need more characters so I can get some drama started. Thanks for the reads and support! Comment and vote! Thanks again! Have a great day! Oh! And stay beautiful! I know you all are probably thinking.... I'm not beautiful but you are. Every single one of you are beautiful. Don't let anyone ever tell you different. Be yourself and don't change for anyone unless its a change for the better. I love you guys stay positive and keep your heads high!

Peace out babes! :)

(Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction) The Day My Life Changed ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now