Turning Bad

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*Cameron's POV*

"Mahogany. No. I'm going to get Heaven back and I need you to stay away from me. Now get out of the way." I say angrily. Mahogany has been here for hours refusing to leave. "I JUST WANT TO SLEEP! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yell in her face.

"C-Cameron... w-whats gotten into you?" Mahogany said terrified.

"You. Okay? You! I fucking hate you! You ruined Heaven and I's relationship! I loved her! I never loved you! I just used you for a piece of ass! Now go!" I yelled pointing at the door.

"Fine!" Mahogany said slapping me across the face and storming out of the room. I decided to text Heaven.

Cameron- hey can you come over? I need to know what's going on with you. Its worrying the fuck out of me. I miss you so much. The bed feels so empty....

Heaven- Cameron. I will... but I have to sneak away from Matt. Your gonna owe me big time.

Cameron- and I'm okay with that. As long as I get to see your beautiful face.

Heaven- I'm on my way.

*Heavens POV*

"Hey Matt. I'm gonna go down to the lobby... get some fresh air. I'm going through a lot. Its a lot to take in... I just need some time alone." I lie to Matt.

"Okay honey. Don't take to long. I'm gonna miss the shit outta you." He says smirking.

"Okay. I won't I promise." I say leaning over and pecking him on the lips. I grab my purse and walk out heading to Cameron's. I knock on the door and he answers immediately.

"Hey!" He yells flinging his arms around me and squeezing me tightly.

"Hey...." I say trailing off.

"So about earlier.... why didn't you tell me?" He asked with sympathetic eyes.

"I didn't tell you because I was scared." I say looking down.

"Scared of what?" Cameron asked slowly.

"Scared you would freak out."

"Freak out?! I wouldn't freak out." He says palming my cheek.

"Well.... Jason isn't the one who raped me.... it was Bryce. He told me to act like nothing happened and act like best friends or he would kill me. Cameron. Bryce is still out there. I'm so scared." I said not realizing that tears were running down my cheeks.

"Oh. My. God. That mother fucker! I'm going to fix this. It will be all over. This is going to end. Wait... why are you asking me? Why aren't you asking Matt?" He asked curiously.

"I didn't ask you anything. And because even though I left it doesn't mean I don't still love you. Because I do. Very much so. I just don't know how to tell Matt without starting a fight." I said crying. Then I realized. I'll tell Matt about my father and tell him that Cameron and I are getting married for Summer. Because I don't want her to go fatherless like I was as a child.

"I know how I'm going to tell him. I'll be back." I say kissing him softly. I walked out the door and to Matt's place.

"Hey Matt. We need to talk." I say sighing.

"What's going on babe?" He asked kissing my cheek and wrapping his arm around me.

"I-ive put a lot of thought into it and I've decided to marry Cameron. I was fatherless as a child. My dad died in 9/11. I don't want Summer growing up without her real father." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Well. Will you at least stay with me for tonight. I know there's nothing I can do to change your mind but please. Just stay with me for tonight." He begged.

"Okay. Let me text Cameron." I said pulling out my phone. I explained to him and he was okay with it.

I lied down on my side and Matt pulled me into his chest. My back to his chest. His head resting in the crook of my neck. I was comfortable. But nothing compared to the way I feel with Cameron. I think to myself as I fall asleep.

*the next morning*

I woke up to Matt still asleep and snoring loudly. I giggled as I remembered that Cameron and I made up and I have to leave Matt. ( I kinda shipped Hatt. But I felt like Cameron loved Heaven to much to let her go.) I turned around to wake Matt up so we could say our goodbyes.

"Matt." I whispered trying to wake him up. I did this a couple more times shaking him lightly and he finally woke up but hesitantly because he knew what was going to happen.

"You have to leave today...." He said trailing off starting to cry.

"Yes I do. But always remember that I love you." I said palming his cheek with tears streaming down my face. He quickly wiped them away with his thumb and kissed me passionately.

"Matt. I really have to go. All my things are already at Cameron's. And I have to go get ready for the meet up today." I said as I pulled away from the kiss resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you never forget that." Matt whispered to me as I walked out the door.

"I love you to." I whispered to him turning around for one last kiss. And now I feel.... I feel like I'm turning bad. I feel like I'm turning bad because I didn't used to be or act like this until I met Cameron. Now I feel like I can have anyone whenever I want. And that's not the way I should think. I can't be turning bad....

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I honestly really hated it. It was all over the place and sloppy. I think I'm going to end this very soon. I'm just running out of ideas. But if you guys want to comment or message me ideas I'll try to use them. I just need help with this story. Its coming to a dead end. Its getting boring and sloppy. So please comment or message me some ideas! I really need the help!

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