this isn't bye forever

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We got back home and Cameron and I dropped makayla and Nash off at their house and we were on our way back to our house. We walked in to see the place trashed.

"What the hell?!" I gasped.

"Oh. Uh. I told them to clean up...." Cameron said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What?! You told who to fucking clean up what?!" I screamed at him.

"I let the guys have a party after we left. We had enough alcohol and everything so I figured why not? Plus we needed to get rid of the alcohol anyway. Summer doesn't need to be around drinking." Cameron tried to explain.

"Cameron! I don't care what you thought! And you said they could have a party without informing me about it?! What the actual fuck Cameron! What wrong with you?! I can't believe you let people that I hardly even know in my house! And then have the balls to tell me they were supposed to clean up?! I don't see clean anywhere in this house Cameron! And what if they invited girls?! And slept in our beds?! How would you feel about that?! Last time I checked I pay the fucking bills around here! This is my house! Not just some fucking play pin for immature boys that act like their 4 fucking years old!" I yelled at him and smacked him in the back of the head and went to put the crying Summer that was in my arms to bed. "Shhhhhhh. Its ok baby girl. Shhhhh." I whispered in Summers ear as I rocked her back and forth. She finally fell asleep and I put her in her crib and walked back downstairs.

"Heaven. I'm so sor-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Your sorry? Your sorry? That's all you can fucking say Cameron?! You let strangers in my house to trash it without telling me and your fucking sorry?!" I yelled getting closer to his face. "I don't wanna hear your fucking apologies. You knew this is how I react to shit yet you still did it behind my back. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I asked raising my voice.

"Like I was trying to say before you fucking interrupted me! I'm sorry! I had no clue that they were going to trash this place! And last I checked you offered for me to stay here so maybe I should just move back in with Nash and Makayla!" Cameron yelled in my face. I started feeling warm streams of water flow down my face slowly.

"Maybe you should! Maybe it wasn't even a good idea to even of met each other! I don't ever want to speak to you again! You fucking asshole!" I yelled slapping him across the face.

"Heaven!" Cameron yelled as I started to storm up the stairs. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him.

"What the fuck do you want now?! You already left me with a child to take care of without you!" I said through gritted teeth.

"I-i don't want to leave. Please this is just a little scuffle in our relationship. Don't let it ruin our engagement." Cameron said trying not to cry.

"Maybe you should've thought about that earlier when you were screaming in my face. Now get the fuck out of my house." I said calmly.

"But heave-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"OUT! NOW!" I screamed pointing to the door.

"Fine. But just know I'm not giving up on you. I will always love you and we will always be a family. This isn't bye forever." Cameron said crying and walking out of the door.

(Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction) The Day My Life Changed ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now