the call

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I forgot to even call my mom to tell her what's been going on. I haven't talked to her sense 5 months before I left for NY. I need to talk to her.


"Hello?" I heard my moms confused voice on the other end.

"Hey, mom. I haven't talked to you in forever." I said into the phone.

"I know. What's been going on? I knew you were going to the maton thing or whatever its called and that's the last I heard from you." She said with hurt apparent in her voice.

"Mom. Its magcon. And I know I'm sorry. I've had a lot going on." I said with disappointment in my voice.

"To much going on to call your mother and talk to her for at least 10 minutes?" She asked with hurt in her voice but it was more noticeable this time.

"Well you see. I went to the airport and missed my flight and Cameron ended up missing his flight too. We ended up being in the same airport and we met there and we sat next to each other on the plane. That was the start of a romance right?" I asked giggling she giggled as well.

"Anything else? That's the only thing at happened while you were gone?" She asked confused.

"No. The next day they invited me to their apartment to meet all the guys. I invited makayla and her and Nash hit it off. Now I'm together with Cameron and she's with Nash. On our way back he Cameron popped the question. Now I'm engaged. Just before we got to the airport I found out I was pregnant." I said trailing off knowing I was going to get a lecture.

"Oh! That's great! I'm going to be a grandma! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet it!" My mom yelled excitedly.

"Mom. You already are a grandma. She was born a week and a half ago. I just thought that with as tight on money as you have been. I didn't want you to come and waste all of that money." I said sadly. But the truth is that she is really tight on money she has been all my life.

"Heaven. Its ok. Can I at least come meet them?" She asked.

"Mom. Its a girl and her name is Summer Lorraine Dallas." I said happily.

"That's a beautiful name! I love it!" She said excitedly. "But can I come down there?" She asked with worry in her voice. And that's when it dawned on me.

"No. Mom. You can't. I'm sorry. I won't let you." I said and I heard her start to sob as I hung up.


"Cameron!" I said excitedly.

"What?!" He asked surprised.

"We have to go visit my mom. Its her birthday soon. And we have to bring summer with us she wants to meet her." I said kissing his cheek.

"Ok, we'll leave later tonight. Pack your things that you need." He said happily.

"Ok, we have to take Nash and Makayla to tho. Makayla hasn't seen our mother in about 4 years. She left home at an early age to live with our aunt in Maryland." I said grabbing my phone and calling makayla.


"Hello?" Makayla's tired voice sounded through the phone.

"Nash and you go and pack some things for a weeks worth." I said excitedly.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"We're going to visit mom for her birthday. Plus she wants to meet Summer, Cam, and Nash." I said happily.

"Oh my gosh! I can't wait! I'll go get ready now! Nash! We're going to visit my mom! Pack for a weeks worth!" Makayla yelled as she ended the call.


We all got ready and packed our things into the car. We soon pulled into my moms drive way at around 10 am. I knocked on the door and she came and answered it surprisingly.

(Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction) The Day My Life Changed ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now