the announcment

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as Cameron sat up to do bookclub I was worried. should we announce the engagement? or should we wait? should we announce the pregnancy? or should we wait? I thought to myself.

"I don't know if we should announce all this at once. I mean I know they would want to know. I mean maybe we should announce the pregnancy but not the engagement because people will probably notice the baby bump but then again people might also notice the ring." Cameron said sighing. oh geez. I guess I was thinking aloud. my sister has younow. we used to watch Cameron do bookclub all the time. its so weird being on the other side of the screen and actually being with my hero rather than just dreaming of him.

"I think we should tell them." I stated worriedly.

"but what about all the hat-" Cameron started to say but I cut him off.

"let them hate. its not going to stop us from having a child now is it? its not going to stop us from being in love. and its not going to stop us from getting married." I stated flatly.

"that's true. but I just don't want you to get your feelings hurt." he said sadly.

"I know Cameron. haters don't bother me. they motivate me to strife farther. I'll be OK. I promise." I said walking up to him and slowly wrapping my arms around his neck. I leaned in and kissed him when all of a sudden I see the screen on Cameron's phone moving rapidly. my eyes widen and my jaw drops.

'your pregnant?!' one comment says.

'your getting married?!' another says.

'there shouldn't be haters in here. if people love Cameron they should love the fact that he's happy with you' another said. this one warmed my heart.

"yes. I'm pregnant. yes. we're getting married. and I just want to say shout out to elizabeth-summers for being a supportive fan of us." I said and smiled hugely. and this is where the hate comes.

'you fat ugly whore! Cameron's my man back the fuck up! Cameron would never love something as hideous as you!' a comment said. this hurt. but I wasn't going to let them or Cameron know.

elizabeth-summers- 'hey! if you don't like the fact that Cameron's happy for a change then get the fuck out of here because grace/ heaven is not going anywhere! she's here to stay! and I'm 100% shipping it all the way!' she said sticking up for me.

"thank you once again elizabeth-summers." I said thanking her from the bottom of my heart.

'so is the baby a boy or a girl? and what's its name going to be?' another comment I saw said.

"the baby is a girl and her name is going to be Summer Lorraine." Cameron said.

"her first name was going to be Elizabeth but she kicked really hard when I picked that name so I was guessing that was a sign to pick something else." I said giggling.

'that name is gorgeous!' one comment said.

"thank you. I picked out the first name and Cameron picked out her middle name." I said smiling at him rubbing his arm gently with my fingers.

'so if your pregnant then that means you guys must have had sex. I knew you were a whore from the start! stupid fucking baby momma!' one comment says. does she really think that hurt?

"do you know how many times I've been called names in my entire life? being called a whore does not phase me. oh! and! you might want to pick wiser words than 'baby momma' I used that phrase when I was 10. seriously? grow up." I said waving my hand in disappointment. do these girls really think their bothering me? "Cam. I'm going to go lay down. I'm not feeling to well. when you get done come cuddle with me OK?" I asked getting up and leaning over to kiss him on the cheek lightly. he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing me.

"uhm. I'm going to have to cut this bookclub short." Cameron announces and ends his broadcast.

"why did you end it?" I said with a sad tone of voice.

"I know the hate is why you weren't 'feeling good' heaven." he said blankly.

"no it wasn't! its because the baby is fucking kic-" I started to say when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and water gushed down my legs. I looked up at Cameron in panic. "Cameron! don't just stand there! we need to get to the hospital! my water just broke!" I yelled nervously.

"OK go grad a towel for the blood and I'll go get the car ready." he said rushing to the car. I go and get the towel and head out to the car.

(Cameron Dallas Fan-Fiction) The Day My Life Changed ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now