part 1

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Links pov

I stared at the beautiful firey orange haired princess before me, unsure of what to say at the moment. "Am I to beautiful that you're at a loss for words." She flashed her beautiful white smile like there was no care in the world. "Midna I thought Ganon killed you." I said tears running down my face as I walked towards her. "Come here link there's no reason to cry I'm fine." I hugged Midna letting out all the pain and suffering I've been through on the journey we've been through. "Link you know I have to get back to my kingdom." As she looked up to me I had no words to say all I knew is that I didn't want her to leave me. "Please Midna don't leave me we've been through too much." I cried harder into her shoulder. "Link, it's my duty as a princess to watch over my kingdom. As much as I want to stay and believe me I do, I just can't and you know that." Minda began to pet my head trying to comfort me as much as possible. "I have to get back to my kingdom link, I'm sorry." She kissed my cheek and was on the verge of tears. She got up and started to walk to the mirror. "Midna you don't have to do this." I began to walk towards the mirror. Zelda grabbed my shoulder and tried to stop me. "I'll never forget you link." She raised her hand to destroy the mirror. "Zelda let go of me please I need to get to her I'll do anything." I began to struggle against Zelda. "I'm sorry link." With that the mirror broke in front of me and my whole world ended. I dropped to the ground unable to do anything. I crawled to where the broken glass laid and tried to reassemble the mirror. "Help me Zelda, maybe we can get her back". I tried to put back the mirror but I couldn't. "Link please stop you know you can't get her back I'm sorry." I looked at my hands covered in blood and glass and began to laugh hysterically while wiping the tears from my eyes. "Come back to the castle with me link let's have a feast to the victory of Hyrule." She gave me a soft smile trying not to think for what she just saw. She came over to me and saw my eyes which were cold, dark and didn't have any emotion. "I'll be at the castle link please come over when you're ready. I'll do everything I can to help." With that she left turning back a couple times to see if I'm still here. I just sat there unable to process what just happened. "Can you bring her back." I whispered to myself.

(Hours later)

I sat for hours and hours getting hungry but not caring a single bit. I heard a horse trotting behind me. I look back and see that it's Zelda and a unknown figure in a cloak. They come up to me and give me a blanket and some bread,cold meat and water. "You have to eat link." She wrapped the blanket around me trying to keep me warm. "If you won't listen to me then you might listen to him."

See what happens in the next part people

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