part 16

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Hope you enjoy


Links pov

I walked through the dungeon doors with Minda trailing close behind. I look and see that the room is gigantic at least 10 times higher than the cave walls and ceiling. In the middle of the room, I see a big chest. I walk towards it. "Link you wanted to see my power and yet you go first." I walk closer to the chest. "It's fine Midna nothing can touch this." When I said that something appears out of nowhere right next to me and punches me in the stomach sending me in the clear opposite side of the room. I fall to the ground coughing up blood. The punch didn't hurt thanks to Midna's magic, but the force if the impact is what really hurt. The Cyclops appears right next to me and I prepare to take another blow, but its hand stopped mid swing and is sent flying across the room. "You know Link my magic protects against material objects entering the body I never said it protects against gravity" Midna walks next to me and helps me up. She puts up a small dome Magic barrier around us. "When the monster comes don't attack." I agreed, but I had my sword ready. The monster appeared and charged at us. It hit the barrier with full force. I looked at Midna, she was unfazed. She took down the barrier and waved her hand which severed the hand of the Cyclops. The Cyclops backed up and Midna kept walking towards it. With each step, a swipe of her hand severed a part of the Cyclops until it was up against the wall with only its head and upper body. She held out her hand in a gripping motion and pulled her hand towards her taking the Cyclopses heart out of its chest and letting it drop to the ground. Midna pulled something from its finger and walked towards me. "I'm guessing you had some fun." I coughed up some blood as we walked towards the treasure chest in the middle of the room. "You gonna be ok Link I could take a look at the wound and see if the wound is bad." I agreed and pulled up my shirt. "Judging from the purple spot on your ribs. You've broken a few, but you'll be fine. Just don't push yourself too much for a few days." I agreed and opened the treasure chest to reveal piles of gold, silver and all sorts of gemstones. "You know Midna I was expected this, but I thought we'd find some magical item or something." She kissed my cheek. "You read to many stories. I did find a magical item. It was able to make the Cyclops able to turn invisible. It should have used it more so I had more of a challenge." I laughed "Is there anybody in your kingdom that can match you in power." she turned "Yes there is my father is more powerful than me by not much, but he can't control his power so he can only use basic magic like teleportation. You could say I'm stronger just because I can control my power. I'm still trying to find something that can help him, but I haven't found anything yet." I picked up the chest of treasure and pulled out my orb. "Well that's interesting, but let's get back to the castle. Your father must be worried and it's getting late." She nodded and got by my side, we teleported to the library of the castle. "You go and wash up Link, I'll have the chest be taken to the treasury." I agreed and was went to the bathing room. I was greeted by two butlers who gave me a towel and was going to take my clothing for it to be washed while I get cleaned up. I accepted and gave the butler my clothing and got into what looked likes a hot spring.


hope you guys enjoy give me some ideas for the next story I'm gonna be writing.

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