part 22

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I teleported to my tree house to see nothing has been touched. I looked out of my window to see the old supplies shop where I first bought my sling shot. I put on my amulet that I had in my satchel and climbed down the ladder of my tree house. I walked to the shop and saw that everything was going as it should be. Nothing was out of place and everybody seemed to be happy. I opened the shop door and saw Sera the shop owner taking inventory. I took off my amulet. "Sera it's been awhile. haven't seen you since I bought my sling shot." She turned around. "Oh Link I haven't seen you in a long time. Is everything going ok what do you need to buy.", I scratched my head. "Well I'm thinking of proposing, but I don't have a ring." She looked like she was thinking. "Link I'll be right back." She went into a room which I think was her room. She appeared a few minutes later. She walked up to me and held out a ring which was silver with a red Ruby in the Middle. It had engravings that said "forever with you." "My husband gave me this ring, but he is long gone now. I hope you'll make better use of it now." I hugged her and thanked her. "I'm heading out have a good day." She waved and I teleported back to the castle. I went to the library to find Amenadiel reading a book like always. "Amenadiel do think you're to much of a book worm." He laughed. "Sometimes to much, but did you find a ring yet." I pulled out the ring and handed it to him. "This is a good ring Link. The colors go together and I like the engravings on it as well." I felt relieved. "Do you think it'll fit Midna's ring finger at all." He looked at the ring for another moment or so. "Most likely, at the very least it will be a little big." He pulled out a small box and placed the ring in it. "Do you want me to hold onto it so you don't lose it at all." I nodded and he placed it in his spacial magic portal. I heard foot steps around the corner and quickly put my amulet on. "Father we need to talk for a moment." I tiptoed around Amenadiel so Midna could approach him. "We need to talk about the marriage. I'm so nervous about it and I don't know what kind of ring to get him either. I'm a mess right now." She was frantically talking and pacing back and forth. "Midna it doesn't matter if you get him a ring or not. He'll love you all the same." Amenadiel got up and hugged Midna. "Thank you Father I'll keep looking for a ring to give him." Midna hugged her father again and went off to most likely look for a ring. I took off the amulet. "That was close I thought I was gonna get caught." He sighed. "Link do you care if she gives you something that looks expensive." I shook my head. "She'll give you something that looks expensive anyway." I rubbed my head. "I came from a village that doesn't really have that much expensive jewelry, so I have no reason to complain in the first place. I'm a simple person with simple taste." I walked to the entrance if the library. "Don't worry Amenadiel she's more than I ever could've asked for." He nodded and I went to the bookshelves. I looked at the books and took one off the shelf. The cover read "A Time Before", it looked like an interesting book none the less. I went back to the side table and sat down.

(3 hours later)


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