part 24

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I looked at the soldiers laughing while firing their bows. I look at a soldier and see her has a pretty impressive bow. "I see you're having a contest. Could I possibly join in it as well. Who out of all of you is the best archer here." The men huddled in a circle and selected a soldier. He came up to me. "So what are we betting on." I looked at Midna. "A kiss from the princess of course." He looked at the princess who was trying to keep her cool. "Ok well if you win then I'll give you my bow. I had it specifically crafted to be very durable." I looked at the bow and it looked very strong. "I accept your offer. Now let's begin. We get 3 arrows and whoever hits closest to the middle wins." He agreed to the rules and we got in our stances. He launched an arrow that huts perfectly in the middle. He smirks. I launched an arrow and hit the same spot. "Don't get to cocky there or your form will be compromised." He launches another arrow that hits right next to the other arrow. "What's that you said about my form." I smirk and launch an arrow splitting mine right down the middle. He starts to sweat a little bit. I look at Midna who is sitting on the stairs leading into the castle having a small smile on her face. He launched his final arrow which splits his first arrow in half. He looks at me. "Don't miss your shot." I launch my final arrow and split the last one in half again piercing the target. He looks at my target baffled at what he just saw. He came up to me and presented me his bow. "A deals a deal after all." He smiles and hands me his bow. It's definitely heavier and better than my bow I got on my adventure with Midna. "Thank you I will use this bow to it's fullest ability." He nodded and went back to the group of soldiers. Midna signaled me to come over to her. I walk over to her and she grabs my face. "Why did you offer me as part of your deal. I am literally priceless." She looks at me with anger. "If it makes you feel any better I looked at his bow when we got here and I wanted it so I offered a kiss from you do he would offer the best thing her could. As you heard it was his bow. She let go of my face. "How did you know you could win then." I sat down on the stairs. "I didn't for all I know he could've been a hundred times better than me, but I had enough motivation to over come and odds." Her expression changed from mad to a slight smile. ", You're lucky that you chose your words correctly or I would've turned you into a wolf." I got up from the stairs. "That's good at least, but come on let's make a lap around the lake. We haven't gotten that much time to relax since we got here." She agreed and I took her hand. We walked around the lake until it got a little dark outside. I stopped by the tree I was sitting on and faced Minda. "Midna it's time." She raised an eyebrow. I got down on one knee. I took her hand in mine. "Midna you are the first person I have ever loved. Will you please be my wife." She got down and hugged me. "Of course I will I would like nothing more." We got up off the ground. "Well let's go tell your father the good news."


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