part 12

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Here's part 12 hope you enjoy


Links pov

I woke up and felt my head, my arms everywhere around my body. I was relieved to only find scars and minor pain when I moved. I saw Minda asleep with her head resting on the bed I was laying in. I stroked her head and then the king came in through the door. "Good thing you're awake I was worried you'd miss the trial. I agreed and asked why I'm in Midna's room. "When we saw you laying on the floor I had the doctors heal you and had you taken to Midna's room. the trial is in 30 minutes so if you still want to participate you're more than ready." I agreed and got up without waking Minda. "You can't wear your normal clothing so I had my tailors make you new ones." I grabbed the clothing and it looked like my old tunic but in black and it had Midna's family crest in gold on the front and back. "When you go out to fight you will wear our crest with pride and you will win." I agreed and picked up my sword and I noticed my shield was black now with the same design, but Midna's family crest was on it instead of the Zelda's. I got Changed in the bathroom and equipped my gear. I headed to the battle grounds were I would be meeting who I would be fighting. I waited until it was time for me to walk out be recognized by the crowd. Minda entered the room while I was waiting. "Link please be careful and don't get hurt." I got up and gave her a hug. "I'm going to make it last a little longer than normal. I want to have some fun I'm in bad mood." She gave me a smile. "Well don't kill him, the battle ends when you so you Forfeit." I gave her a long kiss. "Don't worry I'll be good. "You better" I was called out to the arena. The crowd was chanting my name and I bathed in the fame and glory for a little bit until my challenger appeared. He was a little shorter than me, but had a similar build to me as well. The king spoke "challengers are you ready". We both agreed and the battle started. Before we started to fight we approached each other. I asked "since we both want a fight how about me fight with no weapons. Anybody can fight with weapons, but you need to know how to fight with your hands." He agreed and we shook hands. We walked a few feet back to get into our stances. He rushed me with a flurry or punched and kicks. I sidestep them and grabbed his faced and slammed it into the ground. I get off of him and started to get up and I kicked him into the wall. He layed there on the wall coughing up blood. I grabbed him and threw him on the ground. I got on top of them and started punching him in the face. People in the crowd were shouting for me to stop. "You know the rules if he can't say that he forfeits the the fight goes on. I will win at all costs I have to." I was about to throw another punch when the king said "Link you have won he is beaten. Please explain why you wanted to not use weapons." I smiled. "Well I said I was going to win and I didn't feel like using a sword and since he looked like he liked that sword he was using I wanted to be as safe as possible and I thought it would be easier if I used my hands." The king laughed. "Very good link you were using your wits and not just strength or speed. Good sign of a ruler." I looked at the man that was on the ground barely breathing. I grabbed his tunic and dragged him back to his side of the ring. I walked to the middle of the ring and Minda appeared before me. "You have won Link, that was entertaining even if it didn't last that long." I smiled and kissed her and we shared a sweet embrace. The king teleported from the balcony and appeared before me and Minda. "You can do that later Link." He took my hand and raised it into the air. "He will be one to succeed me with my daughter. I trust him with my life and trust him to lead this Kingdom to greatness!!!" I smiled at Minda and put my arm around her waist pulling her close while the crowd was cheering.


Hope you guys are enjoy this will be longer than the others

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