part 15

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Hope you guys enjoy


Links pov

(2 hours later)

We arrived at the dungeon. Midna got off my back and I changed my form. We approached the dungeon. "See Minda this is what a dungeon is supposed to look like." She sighed "Link you've only been to like 10 dungeons in your life." I poked her cheek "When I was a kid I thought a dungeon would look like a cave and well the dungeon looks like a cave." Midna put a magical barrier around us and we headed inside. My sword was to long so I couldn't use it. I pulled out my dagger as a replacement. The walls already had torches so we didn't need to worry about a light source for right now at least. While we walked I quickly noticed a few trip wires which I cut in order to continue. "Link I see goblins coming from behind us." I quickly look back to see goblins. I look at the front and see the same thing is happening. "Link you don't have to fight this time I want to have a little fun as well." Shortly after saying that Minda holds out both of her hands and picks up the goblins on each side in a magical ball. "This will only take a moment." Minda closes her fists in each hand which made the magical balls grow smaller crushing every goblin inside. She realizes her magic which causes the goblins to fall out in balls of flesh and bone. "Jeez Minda you think that was a little over kill." She turns and smiles. "No a good goblin is a dead goblin." She walks and kisses my cheek. "Come on Link I see a set of doors not to far, could be the boss room." We walked a little further. "Midna how powerful are you. You crushed those goblins like it was nothing." She looks at me. "Strength can't compare with magic. I'm from a royal blood line of some of the most powerful magic users in my realm." I laughed "So if we were to compare me and you in power how would I fare against you." She smiled "Well you saw me kill those goblins. It would be as easy as that really. I could've just torn their hearts out with my magic or blocked their wind pipes. You couldn't compete with me even if you tried. Strength can't compete with magic." I stopped and looked at Midna "I didn't know I was this weak. I was the chosen hero of Hyrule and yet if you had your adult form you could've done it without me." She kissed my cheek "Link it was written that you would always defeat him, It doesn't mean that you are weak, you are very powerful. I'm just well stronger. I can't help that my race is very strong. Since you're half Twilian you could learn magic as well." I looked back at her and put a hand on my head. "I'm sorry Minda I didn't mean to make a scene like this I'm just to prideful on my own power." I started to walk to the dungeon doors with Minda walking next to me. "Don't worry Link I didn't mean to start bragging. I just get carried away sometimes." We approached the doors. I put an arm around Mindas hip. "I want to see what your capable of against this monster." She agrees and opens the doors.


Hope you guys enjoy I wasn't trying to make Minda over powered, but I think that Midna would be very powerful it she got to use her powers.

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