part 4

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Hope you enjoy. This series is gonna take a lot longer than I thought it would too produce parts.

I was taking Midna back to her castle. I haven't noticed how big my wolf form has gotten. I only noticed when I jumped on Midna it was apparent I much bigger than her. "Midna could I talk to you for a second." She patted my head. "Of course wolfy." I didn't know what to make of this Nickname she gave but I kind of liked it. "What do your people look like," I asked curiously. I only had what Minda looks like. If the people look somewhat like she does, then they are very fortunate. "Well, they have black skin with green tattoo markings and orange hair like I do." I thought it would be the same, but I had to make sure. "You know I've been to the twilight realm before, but will we be facing those black monster creatures we faced before. I asked not knowing any better. Midna gripped my fur tightly. "Those were my people, but they were turned evil. Luckily when you defeated both the evil in my world and yours, they turned back to normal." Well, at least they went back to normal at least. I kept telling myself to try and get over the guilt of killing some of them. "You have no need to feel guilty link. You had no choice in the matter. They would have killed you." I forget I was in telepathy with Midna. "We're coming towards the bridge to my kingdom." I looked to see Midna smiling her bright white smile. Her kingdom even if being a blackish color was quite beautiful. We stopped at the gates to see armed guards stopping me from entering the kingdom. "holt, state your name and why you are here!" one of the guards said. "you will put down your weapons before the twilight princess!" I never saw Midna be so bold and I kind of liked it. "of course princess, we'll open the gates right away." We walked through the kingdom courtyard and stopped at a small items shop. "link could you please wait out here I need to talk with the owner real quick and get a replacement item." I agreed and she went into the shop and I sat outside. " Ooo a really big dog." I heard one of the children say. Before I knew it there was an army of children right in front me. "can you talk to one us or howl please." I looked at the child with enthusiasm in her eyes. I howled at her and she came to give me a hug. A minute later all of the children were climbing on me now. I didn't mind too much about it really, then a little girl put my head on her lap and started rubbing my head. I had no objections to this so she kept rubbing my head. A few minutes later Midna came out of the shop with a bag in hand. "Link I didn't know you were so good with kids," she said laughing at me. I howled at her and she laughed again. "come on Link lets get back to making our way to the castle. I agreed and got up and some of the kids were sad about me leaving, but I wanted to see what her castle looked like.

(5 minutes later)

Midna got on my back and we walked to her castle door. She got off my back and opened the castle doors.


hope you guys enjoyed this part need the support

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