part 2

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I look back wondering who Zelda brought with her. I see my foster dad one of the only people that I look up to. "Why did you bring him here Zelda." He said to me "son please eat and sleep I know you're in a rough patch believe me I was in one to." I began to get angry. "How could you possibly know. Did you see the girl that you love disappear in front of your eyes." Those words hit me like a truck. Love I kept saying in my head. "Interesting link. It was for told that the hero of Hyrule and the princess would be together. I don't see that to be the case. This hasn't happened before all of my past lives I've seen you being with me. This is unexpected." This hasn't happened before so this means I might be able to change my fate if I can see Midna again. "Zelda can you give me all your books on the twilight realm and on teleportation." I sat up and gave Zelda and my dad a smile with a new mission ready to activate. Sure link, but you'll need to come back to the castle." I agreed and gave my father a hug and went with Zelda back to the castle.

(30 minutes later)

Zelda gave me all as many books as possible to try and help get back to Midna. "If you need any more help don't be afraid to ask link I'm here for you." She gave a nice white smile but there was something off about it. I chose to leave it alone for now and focus in my mission.

(1 year later)

A year has passed and I haven't gotten any closer to figuring anything out. I saw Zelda walk in with a plate of mash potatoes and roast. "You should eat link. You've been working for a while now." I sighed "I know Zelda it's just none of these books are working." I said while eating some roast. "Link there is someone who I'm pretty sure can point you in the right direction." She said in helping tone. "Who Zelda please tell me I need to know. I'll do anything." I pleaded with Zelda hoping she would tell me. "Go ask the lake spirits they might help you." I smiled really wide. "Thank you Zelda you're the best." I hugged Zelda and she hugged me back. I left the castle to go to one of the spirits near Ordon village. "You're lucky I'm a nice princess link." Zelda said as she watched link run away from the castle. " I have to make it back to the spirit as soon as possible." I rode on my horse killing every goblin and hostile creature without a second thought. I finally reached the spirit and it came up out of the lake and spoke. "Young warrior why have you returned to me, is there something I can do for you." It spoke loudly. "Yes is there a way I can reach the twilight realm." I spoke hoping to get an answer. "Yes young warrior there is a way, but there is a price you must pay." It spoke with concern like it didn't want to take me there. "What is the price I'll pay anything." I said willing to pay any price to see her again. "To be able to enter the twilight realm I will have to turn you into your wolf form. There is no guarantee you'll be able to turn back into your human form. I stopped not giving an answer. I didn't know what to say. Will she be ok with me being in my wolf form possibly not turning back into my human form. "I said I'll pay any price and that price I'm willing to pay." I said with complete confidence. "Very well young warrior I'll transport you there, but I won't be able to teleport you back for a very long time because it will take a large amount of power to transport you there." Hopefully I'll be able to survive. "I'm ready, transport me please." With that the spirit spoke words I didn't understand and a light surrounded me and a minute later I was in my wolf form surrounded by black trees and a black sky.

Hope you enjoy I'm liking the new way I'm writing my story.

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