part 17

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Hope you enjoy


Links pov

I sat in springs enjoying the water enveloping my body. I heard the door open to see Midna's father. "Hello, Link I hope you don't mind. This is spring is opened to everybody that lives in the castle and or royal guests." He gets into the water and sits close, but not next to me. "So um I haven't ever caught your name." He laughed "of course my name is Amenadiel. So Link are you considering marriage yet." I tensed up a bit. "Well I mean it came to mind, but I would like to get to know her better just in the sense of that." He nodded "Midna said that you can't control your magic very well." His slight smile turned to a small frown "I was born with incredible magic power, but I couldn't control it. Every time I use my magic it would go out of control and hurt people so I don't use it anymore." His smile returned "So Link is there anything you wanted to know about my daughter." "Well, when we went on our journey to the dungeon she protected me from an enemy and looked like she was taking her time killing it. I have no problem with what she did, I just thought she wouldn't do something like that." He looked at me with a puzzled expression. "She has no regard for the lives of monsters. She thinks that they are lower than dirt." It made sense. That's how most people look at them. "When she goes on her walks sometimes she'll massacre any monster that comes in her way hostile or not." I mean I attacked Ganondorf, but he was just defending himself. He was trying to take over Hyrule and I killed him, but does that justify my actions, does that make me better than him. "Excuse me, but I need to go and do something thanks for the company." Before he said anything I got out to see my clothing sitting on a bench with a towel. I dried off and got dressed. I headed to Midnas room. I opened the door to see Midna reading a book. "Oh hey, Link I thought it would take you longer." I walked to the bed and sat on it. "Come here Link you need some attention." She sat against the headboard of her bed. I crawled and laid with my back against her with her arms around me. "What's wrong LInk you seem troubled." I waited to respond "Midna your father said that when you go out for your walks you kill every monster that comes in your way hostile or not." She tightened her grip around me. "Yes he is right I don't like monsters none should be allowed to live." I sighed "Midna when I met Ganondorf I'm the one who took the first swipe of my sword. He was just defending himself. Just because he was trying to over Hyrule does that justify my actions." She sighed "Link you're the chosen hero of Hyrule it was destined to happen." I laughed "Like it was destined for me to be with Zelda. I never had a choice. I was branded with the Triforce of courage for the sole reason to kill Ganondorf. I was just a normal person working at my village and the goddesses didn't have any right to change that." Midna hugged me from behind "Link if you didn't win then you wouldn't we here with me." My eyes widened "I'm grateful that I am, but what makes me better than Ganondorf." I put my arms around Midnas "What makes you better Link is that you have someone who loves and wants you to be there for them. You Link are the chosen hero, but most of all you are my hero."


hope you all enjoy this part I really liked the ending of this part 

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