Part 5

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hope you guys will enjoy this part


 The inside of the castle didn't look that different from Zelda's castle except for it being black. We walked around a corner and came across an older Twilian. "father I have someone you want to meet." she said with pride almost like she was proud to have a friend like me. "Oh Midna sorry I didn't see you there. Is this your new pet, I haven't seen a wolf like that before." Midna not told him about my heroic feats. "father look at his paw and tell me if he is my pet." She pointed to the Triforce on my paw while telling him this. "Oh, my is that the Triforce," he said while walking towards me. "It holds extraordinary power." He looked amazed. "I know it contains power but what power does it truly contain." She stepped in front of me. "Father please do not touch my wolfy. He is also the chosen hero of the light world." She said putting a hand in front of him. "I'm sorry Midna but we should get him out of this wolf form is that right." I asked Midna if that was possible and she said it was but it will be at a cost. She explained that even with the Triforce I can't live in this world world without making me part Twilian. "Link please think this over, I don't want you to be something you don't want to be." She looked at me with pleading eyes. "It's ok Midna I'll do anything to be by your side." I said looking into her deep orange eyes. "Father, link agrees that he will become part of our race to be able to stay in this world." He looked at me and then back at Midna. "Very well Midna we will begin the process follow me please." I didn't think that it would begin this Early. Midna along with her father lead me to a large room with large triangles with a language I do not know written on the ground. I was told to stand in the middle. There is what looked like elderly Twilian people surrounded me and started chanting. I felt my wolf form dissipate and it turn into my Hylian form. Green markings started to appear on the right side of my body. My hair stayed it's sandy blonde color. My eyes changed their blue Color to an orange color. I gritted my teeth and took the pain. It's worse than anything else I've experienced before. The markings we're being burned into my skin slowly. My eyes felt like they were on fire. "It's ok link you can do this. Just think of someone that is special to you." I took Midna's advise. I started thinking about Midna and all the things we could do when I get done with this process. "Link open your eyes you're done." I opened my eyes and looked at the green markings. I ran my hand over them to see and feel. There were no rises like you would have if you got a tattoo. Midna gave me a small mirror and I looked at my eyes. The orange color I think looked better than the regular blue color. "Link since you're half of our people now try turning back into your wolf form. I thought about the traits and characteristics of a wolf and I felt myself changing into my wolf form. I switched back to my Hylian form and started to stretch my muscles. To my surprise I felt stronger and faster. "Umm Midna why do I feel stronger and faster than normal." I asked curiously. "Well we Twilians are faster and stronger than normal Hylians. Your strength now is probably stronger than the strongest of my race right now." She smiled at me sweetly. Midna's father came up to me and told me good job. He also explained that the power it took to make me half Twilian was a very large amount of power. The ritual was an old and forbidden one. He only got the elders to agree because he said I was the one who saved Midna and that I saved the light realm. I looked at Midna and took her hand and told her I needed to talk. she agreed. "Where are we going to talk link." She asked curiously. Somewhere private I said.

Hope you enjoy the part

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