part 23

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Links pov

(3 hours later)

I put the book I was reading down and looked at Amenadiel. "Amenadiel I'm not much of a reader, but that was a really good book." Midna came walking into the library. "Yeah I know you aren't much of a reader. I'm surprised you could read in the first place.," I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not stupid. That's no way to talk to the future king by the way. She puts a and on her hip. "Who says I'll be taking you for king." I got up from my chair and walked over to Midna. "Im literally the only option you have and I'm the only guy you like, plus you wouldn't turn me down anyway." She pokes my nose. "Fair point, but it's noon so it's time for lunch." We walked with Amenadiel to the dining room. There was a spread of sandwiches ranging from meat, vegetables and somewhere in between. I was drooling at the site before me. "Link please don't drool on the floor. You aren't an animal or right now at least. Amenadiel laughed. "What's that supposed to mean." She walked over to the table. "You'll find out after our wedding." Midna smirked. "Midna please keep it civilized in the dining room." She took a sandwich. "Midna the chefs and servants we're supposed to be taking first pick at the food." She took a bite. "I'm going to be the future queen I can do whatever I want. She huffed. "Midna that's not a good way to be talking to your father." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Just be quiet I'm stressed about stuff that you don't need to know about." I held my hands in surrender. "Ok ok I'm sorry." She took another sandwich. "I'm going back in my room don't disturb me." She teleported to her room. Me and Amenadiel both looked at each other and said "wedding stuff." I looked at the chefs and servants who were getting their food. "Amenadiel do you have some kind of lake somewhere around the castle." He called one of his servants. "Please show Link to the lake that's behind the castle please." He agreed and took me to the back of the castle. I saw the lake and an Archery field right next to it. I thanked the servant and walked a long the lake. I saw a small tree which had a sizable branch that I could sit on. I climbed the tree and sat on the branch with my back against the trunk. I looked at the lake with a plate of what looks like a moon or what is this version of the Twilian sun. Midna told me that the night time version of my moon was as dark as the Twilian version of the sun. So the night time moon was Almost transparent with the night sky. I sat and watched the lake as it seemed like hours had passed. I looked at the archery fields and saw some guards shooting the targets. Another guard looked like her was betting on who would win the contest. I smiled and was about to jump from the tree until I heard Minda calling my name. I stumbled and fell from the tree. Before I hit the ground time began to slow. I turned in the air and put my feet on the ground and time began to turn back to normal. Interesting I thought. I unconsciously used my power to save myself from a very nasty fall. I only felt a small pain in my head, but it didn't get any bigger. So if I don't use my power for a period of time then it resets in a way. I'll have to keep note of that. Midna ran up to me. "Link are you ok. You were falling and then in a instant you were up right on the ground with no injuries." I smiled. "It's all thanks to my time manipulation powers." She sighed. "Link I really don't need you getting hurt ok don't do anything dangerous." I scratched the back of my head and pointed to the archery field. She sighed again. "Fine Link, but I'm coming with you." I agreed and walked with her over to the archery field.


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