Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ally opened the door to let me in, Liam trailing not far behind me. It was Wednesday and a few days after our ritual night.

Harry had told me what happened. Basically, they went after the two people who had attacked us. But unfortunately, they lost them. Harry didn't know how they suddenly disappeared but as soon as they were out of Seralune's borders, it was like they just vanished. They tried tracking their scent but there were moonflowers everywhere and it messed up their sense of smell.

Jackson had mindlinked Harry about me staying out until they came back, he opted to return instead. Lest these people decided to turn back and find me.

The following days were pretty normal. Ally and the others had tried to retrace their steps to find out where they lost them but they weren't having any luck.

Today, Liam and I just came from school and headed straight here. Cat was waiting inside the car while Liam helped carry some of the books I brought inside. They drove me here and were going out on a date after. I had told them they didn't need to drop me off but Liam insisted. He said he needed a word with Louis anyway.

We proceeded towards the living room, where Louis was already waiting.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

Louis rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Alpha is in the library upstairs," Ally answered. "You're welcome to go see him any time you want, Elle."

"Okay, thanks, Ally," I said while I placed my bag on the table. Liam placed the books next to it.

Ally sort of bowed before she skipped out the room.

I turned to Louis, "Are you and Harry still not talking?"

"Why do you want to hang out here? Let's just go to my house," Louis said, dodging my question.

"Guess not yet then. Anyway, you know I promised Harry I would," I answered.

"How childish," Louis muttered.

"You're both acting childish, Lou," I said.

Harry had flipped out when he found out that it was because of Louis' suggestion that I was left alone that night. Louis had already apologized to me profusely and I told him there was nothing to forgive. In my mind, it was not his fault at all. I agreed to it and even insisted on it as well.

However, Harry thought otherwise. He and Louis had a huge row about it and as much as Liam and I tried to tell them both it wasn't anyone's fault, they kept at it. It almost turned into a fist fight but I stepped between them, making Louis go out to cool his head.

"You sure you don't want me to tag along later, Elle?" Liam asked.

Tonight was the night that me and Gummy were finally having dinner with the Westwind pack. I say dinner but it was actually a small party with his packmates according to Mikhail. I was dreading it already.

Harry disliked the fact that I had to go and he couldn't but there was nothing he could do. It would be rude to turn them down and this was essentially part of seer duties, according to Gummy. I was already breaking a few rules by seemingly having favorites as seen by the amount of time I was spending with Harry.

I shook my head, "Go and spend the rest of the day with Cat. Don't worry about later, Li. Gummy's gonna be with me anyway. Louis too."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Liam. I feel like I've taken up your time more than necessary anyway. I'm sure Cat's excited that you two are going out tonight," I smiled.

"He's just worried I might let you out of my sight again," Louis scowled.

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