Chapter 01

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I see him at the bar. He's not like any other I see in this joint. I'll be honest .. I'm not the most outgoing person out there, but my friend keep urging me to go talk to him.

"Just go and casually order a drink and give him a glance."

OMG Christina, like that's the easiest thing in the world ! I don't even know what I'm drinking right now ! What was this again ..?

"OMG Justine ! Just go to the freaking bartender and say 'Can I get a Pineapple Mezcal?' Like how hard is that ??"

I swear .. Someone hold me back before I slap this bish .. [JK] But you know what ? I haven't eyed anyone in a long time so I think I will ! EFF YOU CHRISTINA !! I take in a deep breath and walk up to the bar and stand not too far but also not too close to this guy that I've been eyeing ever since he walked in.

"Can I get you something ?" says the bartender.

"Yea, do you think you can get me a Pineapple Mezcal ?"

I tried so hard to say that casually, and I can tell you honestly, it was the hardest thing I did today ... The bartender nods slightly and starts making the drink. I glance back at my bish of a friend, Christina, and she's eyeing me to glance his way. But I don't think I can do that .... I mean, trying to sound calm while ordering a drink was also freakin' hard for me -

"That's a good drink."

Suddenly I hear a voice coming from his way so when I turned to look at him he was looking at me. Oh my GAWD ... This guys is even sexier up close..

"Umm .. What ??"

...... Did I just 'umm.. what?' him ....? Don't tell me I did that .... Please TT

"I said your drink is good," he says again with a slight smile.

"Uhh .. Yea .."

Really ... are umm and uhh the only words I can get out of my stupid mouth ?? I couldn't look at his face anymore because I was so embarrassed. While I was internally face-palming myself, the bartender hands me a drink that looks like what Christina's drinking. And so before I can embarrass myself any more, I grab the glass and start heading towards our table and sat down.

"Oh my gawd ! You guys talked !! What'd you guys say to each other ??" says my overly excited friend.

"Nothing much .." I said, still embarrassed about what I said.

"Dude, I swear, he was into you too~"

This is when I gave her a look.

"Shut up. And don't you dare make me do something like this ever again ! It was a total fail !"

"What ?? Why ??"

"Don't ask ..."

And I handed the drink that I ordered for no reason.

After a while, Christina finally gets off my back about how I'm not that social and that I need to talk to people more often, or that I'm too shy. And the only thing that I could say to her is ... CALM DOWN ! IT'S MY LIFE ! GAWD ! But I know I'm not going to say that to her cause yea .. I am a little shy and I can't really be blunt. But at least Christina's not dumb. She says that I look annoyed so she'll stop. I love her. I do. She really gets me. I know sometimes we may be off a little, but if we look at the big picture, we're like this cause we know each other so well and we really do care for each other. Don't judge my friend !

Anyways, all we did here was have a drink and talk about our jobs. I complain sometimes about how I don't get what my boss is thinking. But then again, I don't really know my boss. I'm pretty sure I should've met him or her at some point but we never, I literally mean NEVER have meetings. S/he doesn't want meetings and so I have to send him/her an email with the outline and powerpoints. I don't get why we don't have meetings. I don't know who it is but this was getting out of hand. I have complained a few times to my boss's secretary, but what can he do ? I work for a cosmetic company and I'm pretty much in charge of everything, except approval. That's my boss's job. I organize everything from every department in our company and file it up to my boss. When my boss approves, I send an 'okay' for things to process in the way we format them. So you can probably tell why I get frustrated not knowing who my boss is.

As for Christina, she's a head pastry chef at a hotel. The only boss she has is the hotel owner and his son. But unlike me, she knows who own the hotel. And she is not happy with new management. But that's a whole different story.

We finally decide to leave the bar cause it was getting late and we had work tomorrow.

Christina and I said our goodbyes and I started heading for my apartment. When I arrived, I kicked my shoes off, went to my room, changed my clothes, washed up, and laid in bed while playing with my phone until I fell asleep.

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