Chapter 13

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I opened the door and found her in a big huge crew neck and ... no pants ...? I wasn't thinking of inviting her over, but she seemed so bored and her attire says that she wasn't doing anything anyways. Why not ? I would love to see more of those legs. I asked if she wanted to join me and she nods her head almost automatically.

I opened the door for her and she walks in. Without even waiting for me, she goes over to the sofa and plops down. She crosses her legs and I realized that she had shorts underneath her huge sweater. Aww .. What a shame.

Was this one of her ways to get me to fall for her ? For the past few weeks, she's been trying to seduce me with new and appealing clothes and make-up. When I first started this bet, I was expecting her to change her outer image, but I thought that she'll come to realize that outer appearance is not the only way to seduce a guy. The past few weeks was all about her trying to get me to fall for her with her new clothes and make-up. Obviously, it won't work. I've seen many girls like that.

But right now, I can't seem to figure out if this was seduction.. or her just coming over for a movie.

I could not concentrate on the movie at all. The way she kept waiting for me to get the popcorn and trying not to touch, the way she was nibbled on the popcorn, the way her legs were exposed and her hands were covered. These are the things that are distracting.

When I was finally able to focus on the movie, I see her swaying from the corner of my eye. I turn to see that she was sleeping. This girl ....

I get up and take the popcorn from her lap and place it on the coffee table. I slowly let her fall to the couch and went in to get a blanket. When I came back out, I found her fidgeting and moving around as if the sofa was uncomfortable. I put the blanket on the side of the sofa and lifted her up from the couch. I took her to my room and kicked the covers to the side. I laid her down as gently as I can trying not to wake her up. I covered her up with the covers and straightened up.

I stared at her sleeping face for a while. She did look tired. I don't know why but I wanted to see more. I got on the bed over the covers and laid on my side. I used my arm as a pillow and used the other arm to move the hair away from her face. I stared at her for a while and I too fell asleep.


There was something moving. I wake up and find her shoulders shivering.

"... It's cold ..." she mumbles.

She then covers herself more with the bed sheets. But I could tell she was still cold. I got in the covers and slowly moved towards her. Once she felt my warmth, she dug more into my chest. I then grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer. Then we both fell asleep again.

I woke up to the sunlight hitting my eyes from the crack between the curtains of my window. When I opened my eyes, I saw Justine still sleeping but facing me. I get up from bed and went to the living room. I find my phone on the coffee table and pick it up to check the time. It was 7:04 PM. I put the phone in my pocket and started cleaning the junk we had during the movie.

I go into the room and find her still sleeping. Shouldn't she be awake now ? I sat on the bed and called her out.

"Justine... Justine, wake up."

She was really deep into her sleep. I then laid down on my side with my arm as the support for my head. I stared at her for a second, admiring her sleeping face. I lifted my hand out of curiosity and tapped her cheeks, she scratched it. I tapped her nose, she smudged it with her hand. I tapped her lips, and she wiggled it. a light chuckle came out from my mouth. What was she, a hamster ?

She suddenly gets up and asks a whole bunch of questions. She tried to fix her hair but I thought it was alright. It was sexy. She then gets up from bed and starts heading for the door. I stop her and tell her to stay. I don't want her to leave. We didn't do much but it was the best weekend I've had in a while. I didn't want the fun to end.

She was hungry so I made her a simple dish. Unlike most girls, she stuffed her face with the food that I cooked. I couldn't help myself and let out a small laugh. The person she's trying to be and the person she is was so different. But I think I prefer her as herself.

I got up to go do the dishes and she follows.

"I'll do it," she says.

I tried to convince her not to, but all she did was push me away.

"Oh please, shut up and go do your thing. I'll be done and out of your house in a few minutes."

Why did she make it sound like I wanted her out of here ..? I don't really want you to leave. Stay ..

Her form was a perfect fit to mine. I placed my hands on the sink on each side of her so that she couldn't escape.

"Why do you sound like I wanted you out of here ?" I asked while moving in closer as she tried to get away.

She didn't reply and wiggled under me.

"Why not stay and try to seduce me ?"

Because you're doing a pretty good job right now, and if you did something more, I might actually lose.

Then I feel her tense up. I didn't want to move away from her, but I also didn't want to push her to do things that she didn't want. I know she wasn't trying to seduce me today.. But just by being herself, I realized that I was slowly falling for her...

She won ....

I moved away from her and walked away. I came into my room and sat on the side of the bed. I waited until I heard the water stop. Soon, I heard the front door open and close. She went home.

I laid back on the bed with my legs still in the sitting position. I stared at the ceiling for a while. Then I turned my head towards the pillow that was next to my head. I grabbed it and pressed it against my face. I took in the scent.

I could still smell her shampoo..

I could still feel her body against mine..

I could still feel her warm body gently breathing in and out..

I couldn't stop thinking about her...

I couldn't stop my heart from beating for her...

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