Chapter 08

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There was knocking on my door.

"Come in."

I look up from my paper work and see Suho walking towards me.

"What is it ?"

"Mr. Wu called, he wants you in his office."

"Ugh .. What now ?"

I get up and walk out my door.

"Do I need to go ?" asks Suho from behind.

"No," I replied.

When I got to the 25th floor, I walked up and pointed to the Kris's door while looking at the lady at the front desk and she nods. I opened the door and walk inside.

"You can at least knock."

I stopped before going to sit on the sofa. I lift my hand and wait until he was looking at me from the paper work. When he does look up, I knocked. Twice. And then I sat down. Kris gets up from his desk and walks towards me and sits in the exact same spot as always. He then hands me a little card that was on his hands. I take it from him.

"What's this ?" I asked.

"It's an invitation to a party. It's to celebrate Prestige Inc.'s 10th anniversary."

"Okay, so ..?" I looked at him.

"You are also invited."

"Haha, I'll decline."

I put the invitation card on the coffee table in front of us.

"Justine, it's business. Please be professional and get ready for it. It's tomorrow night."

Ugh.. But I have a date with Christina.. And it's a Saturday. Christina and I don't do anything on Saturdays except for lazing around the house and pigging out. It's the day both of us look forward to throughout the whole week. I complained internally.


Kris calls my name and I snap out of my internal complaining.

"Did you hear what I said ?"

"No, what was it ?"

"What were you thinking about ?"

"How I didn't want to go..?"

"You're very truthful.." Kris sighs.

"Well, we do go way back ^ ^" I mocked.

"I said that it's going to be on a cruise and that it's a formal party. We'll leave together in my car. Remember, we're not going for the party. It's to get more business partners."

Ugh .. I guess there was no getting out of this.. I tell him okay and headed downstairs. I texted Christina as soon as I was in my office.

[Hey, I don't think we can laze around this weekend.]

[WHAT ?? WHY ??] It wouldn't be Christina if she doesn't reply in an instant.

[I have a business party to attend to tomorrow night.]

[Wait ... With Kris ??]


[Holy crap !! Wow, girl !! You're moving fast !!]

[What ??]

[Oh please, don't tell me nothing's going to happen during that partay ~]

[Nothing's going to happen during that partay ..]

[Psh ! Whatever ~ Where's the partay at anyways ?]


[GIRL !! Something is DEFINITELY going to happen at that partay !!]

[Stop saying partay. It's annoying.]


[I will slap you]


[I'm serious]



[I don't care. But seriously ! It's the perfect chance to seduce him ! Go for it]

[I tried today but it was a total fail.]

[Oh hunny, let me help you out ^ ^ Pick me up tonight ?]


[Okay, then I'm going to be back to work]

[Kay, see you later]

I set the phone down and stared at my computer. I should be working but ....

Sigh ... Party ... Party ... Partay ....

............ Did I just .............?

Gawd damn it, Christina !!!!!!

※Christina: Yehet ♥

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