Chapter 04

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"Wow, what a coincidence."

"Yes .. this is kind of surprising.."

"Haha, you sound so formal."

And you, sir, don't sound formal at all ...

"Well, you are my boss."

"Not right now, I'm not. I'm just a neighbor."

This is awkward .. I don't know, in dramas, this was supposed to be the part where the girl starts falling in love with this dude cause, you know..? Destiny and all that .. But why do I feel so awkward and want to just go into the house ?

"Okay, well, umm .. Goodnight."

I awkwardly say goodnight cause honestly, I had nothing else to say. I turn around to go in and I hear him chuckle and also say goodnight. I turned to smile at him to be respectful but he was already in the house and closed the doors as I turned, so I just came and started for my room.

I go into my room and got my cell. I texted Christina about what just happened. To my surprise, she didn't reply right away. So I got ready for bed. When I came back out, I checked my phone again but I still had no reply from Christina. She must've passed out cause of her tiring day at work. I laid in bed and closed my eyes to go to sleep. But I can't seem to fall asleep.

I don't know why but my chest started to feel all weird. I can't really explain what it is. I tried to convince myself that I was just tired from today and all the shocking things that happened recently kind of threw me off.

In the end, I got up and went to the living room. I turned on the tv, got some snacks, and watched movies until I could finally go to sleep.


I hear my alarm and I got up. I checked the time like how I always do and got up to get ready. I wasn't hungry for breakfast because of how I snacked on things while watching the movie so I decided to go to work earlier.

As I got out of my apartment, I realize that the boxes were gone from the hallway. Hmm .. Maybe he left earlier than I did. I'm not going to lie, I was kind of disappointed. But he's my boss. I'm pretty sure I'll see him soon.

I got to my car and drove to work. As I go to my office, Suho is giving me information about today's schedule as he does everyday.

"You have a meeting with Mr. Wu in about 20 minutes about business with Prestige Inc.'s head and his second in command. Oh and you have a visitor and he's waiting for you in your office."

"I just got here and it's not even 10 AM yet. Who is it ?"

"He said that he was a friend from college ..?"

I stopped walking and Suho stops as well. I turn to him in a confused look. Suho looks at me and is confused too. He shrugs and says, "He wouldn't even tell me his name.."

I turn back around and started heading for my office again. I walk in and see Kim JongIn. FRIEND FROM COLLEGE MY ASS ...

"Hey ~ long time no see," he says as he gets up from the couch and comes towards me.

I stop him by raising a hand and step aside the door and gesture for him to get out. JongIn looks really confused but then he smiles his usual playful smile.

"Aww, sweetheart, don't be like that."

I cannot believe I used to like this bastard. I cannot believe I used to melt in the way he talked. Now I feel disgusted and don't even want to see his face.

"Why are you here ?" I asked as calmly as I can but with a firm attitude.

"Why ? Are you not happy to see me ?"

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