Chapter 19

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Kris forced me to stay home and reassured me that I wasn't fired. He just wanted me to rest for the day. I thought I could use some rest, too. After he left, I laid back on my bed and thought about what happened last night.

Everything was such a mess. I knew that I first needed to figure things out before I faced anyone. First, I know that I'm into Kris. I know for a fact that I like him. Why else would my heart start thumping to everything he does and says. When he was angry yesterday, I was afraid that he was angry at me. I didn't want him to be. And this morning, when we seemed so close to each other, all I wanted was to repeat today's morning over and over again for the rest of my life. That's saying something because I don't really think about these things.

But what bothers me is JongIn. What happened last night didn't seem like he was messing with me. I know that there is confusion in my mind, but I know for a fact that I wasn't in love with him. It's not him. But there was something in me that warmed up to him. All I've wanted to do ever since we met each other again, was to slap him and curse at him with harsh words. But yesterday, I wanted to accept his apology. I wanted to forgive him.

I didn't get what he was talking about when he said that he 'still' loved me. Also the story behind the whole incident with his friends seemed like it was something I needed to give him a chance to. I wanted an explanation to what he said yesterday. I was curious to what actually happened. I couldn't stop thinking about what JongIn said to me.

I sat up and I grabbed the phone that was right next to me on the bed and went to my recent calls. I found the unknown number that called me last night. But I couldn't press the call button. I was afraid of what my feelings would turn into. I know I should be okay because I know I like Kris. But I don't know why I was so nervous ? Scared ? What was this feeling of uneasiness.

I hesitated, but I knew I couldn't go to sleep tonight with this curiosity eating away my mind. I pressed the call button and placed the phone against my ears. The phone rings that were chiming in my ears sounded like loud drums in my head. A part of me doesn't want him to pick the phone up, but another side of me wants him to pick up. But the ring stops and I hear an voice on the other line.

"... Justine ..."

JongIn's voice didn't sound so lively. I didn't know how to react to his tone. It sounded like he was desperate for something.

"... Justine, I'm so sorry ..."

My heart was pounding hard and I couldn't even process a sentence in my head. I tried to call out his name but all I could do was open my mouth without any words coming out from it.

"... Can we meet up ...?" he asked after a long silence.

"..... Yea ....."

"Tonight ...?"

"..... Sure ...."

"Should I go over ...?"

"Umm ... Meet me at the park near my house..." I told him.

"Okay, I'll see you at 8.."

I hung up the phone right after JongIn stated the time. I couldn't stand to hear more of his voice. My heart felt like it was being squeezed so hard I couldn't breathe. After I hung up I took in a big breath and tried so hard to calm myself down. I don't know what I'm supposed to prepare for. If just hearing his voice on the other line affects me this much, how in the world am I supposed to face him when I see him later ?

I was pacing back and forth in my room. Then I heard the door bell ring. I checked the time and found out that I was thinking about this for quite some time now. It was already 3 in the afternoon. I walk to my door, wondering who would be coming to my house at this time of the hour.

When I asked who it was, there was no answer. Security is really heavy for this apartment so there was no need for me to be scared. I opened my door and found Kris standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked in shock.

"Well, you are still sick. And it's Friday, I took an early leave," he answered.

"Wait, but why are you here ?"

"I wanted to check up on you."

I could feel my cheeks turning red and my heart started thumping.

"But why do you look like you haven't had rest ?"

"Huh ?"

"You don't look good. Is your condition getting worse ?" Kris asks while placing his hands on my forehead.

"No, I'm fine," I said as I grabbed his wrist and pushed his hands away. "You should get some rest, too."

As I told him that, he suddenly grabbed opened my door wider and walked into my house. I feel like I'm getting used to this cause this time, I didn't complain and just followed him in.


"It's Friday, we should do something," he cuts me off.

I was definitely used to him barging into my house without even asking for my permission, but I was still not used to the feeling of having my heart thump every time he talks and looks at me. He had a smile on his eyes were sparkling like a little kid on Christmas. But I need to tell him that I was meeting someone.


"Oh wait, you're sick so we should stay home."


"Want to have a movie night ?"


"Do you even have movies ?"

"Kris !" I shouted.

I needed to tell him that today wasn't a good day. I still have to think things through.

"Kris, I'm meeting someone later, so I have to get ready," I told him.

I couldn't look at him in the eye because I felt guilty. There was some silence between us. It felt really uncomfortable. I wanted to know what he was thinking. It's not like I didn't want to spend time with him. Of course that's all I want to do for the rest of my day today.

"Are you meeting him again ?"

I was shocked by his question. I looked up from the ground and when I looked at his face, my heart stopped. Unlike yesterday, he was looking at me with a hurt expression and I don't get why.

"I guess you have to get ready to see him then," he said.

His face quickly changed from the hurt expression to no expression at all. I was confused as to why he was acting this way. Kris, what are you thinking ? I really wanted to ask him but all I could do was bite my lower lip.

His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He then lifted his hand and placed the thumb right under my mouth and his hand under my chin and slightly pressed his thumb so the my lips were free.

"Don't do that," he said.

He then walked past me.

"I'll be going now," he said and walked out the door.

I stood at the same spot for a while, thinking about Kris, then JongIn, then back to Kris. And my head started to hurt.

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