Chapter 22

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Christina stayed with me the whole weekend and didn't leave. Even though she said that she was just staying because she was worried about me, I could tell that she didn't want to leave for a different reason. But I didn't question her about it because I felt like she didn't want me to.

After she dropped me off at work, I went up to my office and was greeted by Suho. But what was weird is that I haven't heard from Kris. But it was just Monday, so I decided to let it go, because I couldn't really face him as well. But after I thought about what I was feeling, I knew that I couldn't accept Jongin because Kris was the one who I had my heart. And I decided that I will forgive JongIn for all the pain he's caused me, but I still wanted to keep my distance from him. I wasn't ready to be back on good terms with him.

A week passed and I couldn't stand it anymore. Kris has been avoiding me. When I went upstairs to review some work, his assistant would tell me that he was out or that he wished for me to send him an email about it. We were back to where we started.

I called him when I got home but it kept going to voicemail. I rang his doorbell but there was no answer. I tried to get into his office only to be stopped by Yixing. Was he trying to avoid me ? What did I do wrong ? The last time I saw him was when I told him that I needed to meet JongIn. I didn't know what to do. I miss him so much, but he doesn't seem like he wants to see me.

I come back downstairs to my office and find a yellow light blinking from my phone. I know that it's a text and I quickly open my phone, thinking it was Kris. But to my disappointment, it was Christina.

[Hey, how are you ? Is he still ignoring you ?]

[Yea] I replied and waited for an answer.

[What ? What's wrong with him.]

[I don't know. I really want to know what I did wrong for him to literally cut me out of his life.]

[Aww.. Sweetie..]

I was hesitant in writing the next part, but it was what I was feeling and I don't want to lie to myself.

[I'm getting tired of this ...] I replied.

It took a while for Christina to answer back.

[Then do you want to give up ?]

I thought for a while. I wasn't really sure what I wanted. I was getting sick of these feelings of uncertainty and the fact that it was one-sided thing. While I was still thinking about it, I get a knock on my door. I look up to see that it was Suho.

"Umm.. He's calling you," he said.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. I got up from my seat without even replying back to Christina and headed towards the elevator. Once I got up to the top floor excited to see him finally, I stepped out to find Kris with another girl.

I was confused.

He looked like he was enjoying his conversation with the girl. The sight of the two talking to each other with smiles and laughs, it was sort of hard for me to see. I haven't seen Kris's face like that at all. He's always smirking and taunting me, but to her, he was being a gentleman and smiling at her comments. And from what I see, she didn't look like she was here for business. I wonder who she is.

I step out of the elevator and walked up to them slowly. Kris noticed me and smiled. My heart stopped for a second. He hasn't seen me for days, and I've missed him so much. I wanted to ask him why he's been avoiding me but the way he was smiling at me told me that I should be professional right now. I smiled back and walked up to them.

"You needed me ?" I asked.

"Yes. YooJin, this is Justine Yoon, my second in command. Justine, please meet Nam YooJin. She is our new business partner, and also my close friend from college," Kris said.

I turned to her with a smile and said hello while reaching out for a handshake. She smiled back and I would have to honestly say, she was absolutely beautiful. Her features were flawless and her eyes just sparkled when we met. But a part of me was worried. He did say that they were close friends. Just how close were they...?

We talked briefly about what will happen with the plan and other business talk. I then excused myself and came back down to my office. I didn't do much but why was I so tired ? I sat down on my chair, I noticed that I had a text. I opened my phone and found a few separate texts from Christina. I forgot to text her before I left. But that's because I didn't have an answer.

[Hey, you there ?

Justine ?

Hey, so if you want to move on, do you want me to set you up on a blind date ?

Seems like you're busy. Text me when you get back.]

I stared at her words while trying to figure out what I want. And while I still didn't know what I wanted, my hands just moved by itself.

[Yea. Set me up.]

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